Chapter 22

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Copyright 2015 All Right Reserved

Chapter 22


The time ticked by slowly as I stared at the bathroom door of my room. She had been in there for a hour now which I didn't mine if my nerves weren't standing on end.
After we left the cave we came immediately back to the house. I was the one who actually made her get in the shower. Still the distance disturb me and I kept finding myself walking to the door and realizing at the last minute she needed a little space. I mean if I didn't just show back up in her life the way I did she could have lived a normal life. Any distance from her was too much though. So in order to keep her close I needed to make a decision for her that I hoped wouldn't ruin her.
I couldn't lose her but there was no way I was letting her go. Sighing I pushed my hand through my hair. To make it worst I have to deal with that one as well. To say I wasn't angry was an understatement but at the same time I couldn't be angry I was the one who put them in that situation. Still it bothered me to smell Kalen scent wrapped around her body so much that I almost strangled the boy. That would be a betrayal of my emotion and his trust. That didn't mean I couldn't be angry.
The bathroom door opened and she walked out mist circling her like she was a mystic being. The sight of it was hypnotic. She had a grey towel wrapped around her body her wet hair clung to her skin almost making me groan. When she caught me staring she blushed "forgot my clothes" she said walking over to the bed and picking up my shorts and shirt i left out for her. I need to get her some clothes I thought as she's walk back into the bathroom closing the door behind her.
I watched the door until she came back out a moment later drying her wet her. Our eyes met and I beckoned her over to me. She bite her lip like she was nervous but still walked over to me. As soon as she was close enough I wrapped her in my arms my nose traveling to her neck. She shivered in my arms. I growled when I could smell Kalen and Dustin scent on her. Before I could stop myself I licked across her neck causing her to jump in surprise. I could feel her skin warm up as I start to lay little kisses between her neck and shoulder. Pulling her closer to me I made sure my scent was all over her and finally pulled away.
Her cheeks were pink and her eyes were bright with lust. It killed me to stop where we were but we had stuff to handle. "Are you ready" I asked knowing my voice was husky with want. Her eyes traveled to my lips making me snap. My lips landed on hers in a rush to taste her. She moaned against my lips and I deepened the kiss as my tongue dipped into her mouth. My arms pulled her closer to me and her arms wrapped around my neck hands founding their way into my hair. My skin felt like a ton of little electric shocks kept traveling through my body. Her body felt soft and warm against me.
Soft and very frail I noticed pulling my lips away just as my fangs began to come out. Her eyes were dazed and her chest moved up and down as she tried to catch her breath. Maybe we should slow down until she felt less fragile. Until I could tell her what I wanted her to do. "We should get going" I said watching as the pink in her cheeks deepened to red. She only nodded the way she was now I was so close to losing control and latching my fangs into her delicate neck. Grabbing her hand I walked us towards my room door.
Everyone I expected to be in my office was there by the time we arrived. I walked across the room pulling Jean with me. On my way to my desk I grabbed a near by chair dragging it along with me behind my desk. I sat it next to my chair and motioned Jean to sit in it. She looked at me strangely but sat down. As soon as she was seated I looked out over the people in front of my desk. Right across from me sat Christian who eyes were distant and I could understand why. After everything that happened Christian had stayed unconscious until we got home. He didn't fully recover until he fed which I had to force him to do because he didn't want to seem to live at that moment.
To his right sat Courtney. She still seemed pale and I could she her still slightly shaking. I had learn they had got her after she stormed out of the basement they day I told her she didn't belong with the girls anymore. Sadly I hadn't notice she was even gone and I knew she felt disappointment knowing that. She had not told us what they did to her. I didn't see any physical damage but I was sure it was some physiological damage. To the left of Christian stood Ale Kalen and Rage. They had filled me at best of what happened after I let them go ahead. They told me every detail except for one I'm already positive what it was. They were good brothers standing up for Kalen I couldn't be angry at them for protecting their brother. The situation wasn't good though.
Before I could start their was a rapid knock on my door. "Come in" I said already knowing who it was. Indane opened the door bowing her head respectfully. "Sir I have circled the entire peremitire no one has breached and the others have left long ago" she said smiling up at me. "Thank you but just to be safe can you make one more round" I asked knowing she was more then capable of doing just that. Knowing her she would make two more rounds after that. "Of course" she said bowing her head again and leaving closing the door behind her.
"Sir excuse me for asking by why aren't we circling the area" rage asked arms across his chest. "Because I need to speak to all of you" I said and everyone eyes were on me. The sigh that left my mouth was heavy with what I'm about to say. "The two man that you seen today that took Cher with them are the leaders of the vampires" everyone was quiet at my words so I continued.
"The black hair one is known as Kyza. Do not every get into a fight with Kyza as you seen why. Kyza is ruthless he has no feelings or cares what so ever. The only one he listens to is his older brother roman. Roman is the golden haired one he is the leader and first vampire to every exist. He is very old. So old no one knows of his origins other then Kyza and he will not tell a soul. But I will tell you this if you think Kyza was bad roman is worst" I said looking over at all of them.
"What did they want with Cher" Jean asked next to me making me look over at her. She had a frown on her face that screamed she was sad and maybe a little worried. Everyone else had a frown on their faces as well.
I shook my head at them "Cher is not who you think she is not even who I thought she was." They all looked at me strangely. "Her real name is Igneis and she is their younger sister" everyone in the room eyes grew wide. "I'm sorry sir but that's not possible she's was human" Ale said looking at me confused. I sighed again feeling like I should have noticed that she wasn't truly human. "Us vampires as some of you know have powers once were reborn. Each of us produce our own power that is never a copy of another" I said looking over at the many eyes staring over at me. "Igneis special power is she can hid or change her scent" everyone grasped at what I said. "So that's why...." Ale said trailing off as everyone thought about what he wasn't saying.
The reason why no one couldn't catch her was because of her ability to quickly change her smell. They all thought about this quietly until jean spoke again. "Wait that doesn't make sense if her main power is to change her scent then the ice powers and her appearance what about that" she asked looking over at me just as I nodded in agreement. "That's also true the only thing that none of you know is the reason Igneis came after me was so she could steal away my power" I said and everyone eyes looked my way surprise evident on their face. "Steal your powers" Christian said finally saying something. "How is that even possible" Rage asked a angry frown on his face.
Raising my hand I quiet their questions. "Only three of us in this room knows of what happened years ago to me before my disappearance" I said noticing the way Christian and Jean visibly stiffen. Still I continued. "I have only found out recently the culprit behind this was Igneis. She wanted to take my powers to use as her own against her brothers. There is only a handle full of vampires who know how to do this and Igneis being an older vampire there is no surprise that she knows."
"So how do you do it" Kalen asked making me look over at him. The first time since the rescue that I actually looked at him. It wasn't uncomfortable but it also wasn't good either. "You have to literally drain the vampire of his blood and life and since she has so many powers theirs no telling how many vampires she killed to get what she has now" I said sighing rubbing my forehead roughly. "How many does she have" Jean asked staring at me strangely like everything finally had come tearing down on her. Shrugging I said "seven so far as I could tell she probably drained any vampire she came into contact with doesn't really matter how many she has now that Kyza is with her."
Everyone stared at me strangely eyes locked on to whatever I have to say. Sighing I rubbed my hand through my hair "as I said every vampire has a special power Kyza special power is to copy those abilities by just touching another vampire with powers." Everyone eyes grew so big that they almost looked as if they were going to pop out of their head. "That's dangerous" Ale said looking at me with worried eyes. I shook my head "not as long as Romans around he is the only one that can control Kyza as I said before and the only one Kyza listens too." That didn't seem to reassure anyone at all. "What is roman power" Rage asked looking really curious. Sadly though I could only shrug "no one knows at all I don't even think Kyza knows what his power is."
Everyone grew quiet as they pondered this. I didn't blame them to barely know anything must be bothersome. I know because not knowing much about them also bothered me as well. Those two brothers were always so mysterious. "So she's the reason why we were separated all those years ago" Jean said so sadly it made me turn to look at her. Her eyes shined brightly with loneliness and fear which made something throb in my chest. "That will never happen again I promise" I said grabbing her hand and giving it a light squeeze. She looked up at me eyes saying that she believed me but I couldn't help but notice the pain of betrayal in her eyes as well. I knew exactly how she felt I trusted Cher as well so I know the pain she feels.
"So she came back to steal your powers what did that have anything to do with my brother" Christian said a hinges of rage in his voice which surprised even me. "Your brother was being string along by her basically she used him to help her with her plan an added bonus for him was that you would be involved as well" I said looking over at him sadly. I knew how much he loved his brother I also know how much his brother hated him for being so loved himself. I chose to make Christian a vampire over Dustin for that exact reason he had feelings and emotions. Dustin was a ball of anger and hatred it was as if all his positive emotions were put into Christian. Sadly that didn't stop them from looking alike to such an extent if I wasn't paying attention I wouldn't have noticed the difference.
Christian sulked in his chair "I always knew my brother wanted me dead but not to such a strong extent" his eyes screamed of pain. "You don't deserve a brother like that" Jean said and I looked over at her as she stared at Christian with eyes glistening with tears. Christian only gave her a weak smile. "What I don't understand is why involve Courtney why bring her into all this" I asked aloud looking over at her as she flinched at the mention of her name. "I.. I was a decoy" she said eyes staring at the ground shoulders hunched. "Decoy" i asked confused. She nodded "Cher.. I mean Igneis couldn't always keep changing scents constantly it takes a lot of power and energy to do that. She was also using an ability that made her seem human even when she wasn't. My scent was meant to mix up hers and Dustin sense a human scent is stronger then a vampires."
As she spoke her body shook so hard I thought she would shatter which actually concerned me. "That make sense" I said nodding looking over at Ale Kalen and Rage who all seem to be thinking the same thing. "Well I have a feeling sense she was captured by no other the her two older brothers that we won't have to worry about her any more" I said sighing deeply before rubbing my head. Leaning back in my chair I looked over at all their face "is there anything anyone has to know or ask." At first no one seem to have anything to say which surprised me a bit.
Christian stood up first "if it's ok I would like to gather the pieces of my brother to ...finally say goodbye." He said giving me a slight bow of his head. I couldn't argue with him this was his brother. There was no way especially since I was the one who gave the command to kill his brother. I only nodded before he turned away and left the room. Once he left the room everyone got quiet. I wasn't surprised though no one knew really what to say. I looked over towards Jean as she sat there eyes staring straight ahead looking at nothing. She was so deep in thought she probably didn't realize it herself. "Sir" Kalen said suddenly stepping forward making me look back at him. I couldn't honestly say I didn't have mixed feeling looking at him.
Still I composed myself as best as I could as he looked at me. I did notice Jean looking at him as well which didn't do any thing for my already upsetting attitude. "Yes Kalen" I finally spoke keeping my voice as even as possible. As much as I wanted to I couldn't harm him. I raised Kalen myself from a tender age where losing his mom nearly killed him and his brothers. Even though it was her own fault that she died because she couldn't stand the children she gave birth too. I wanted to shake my head. Why did I always end up with people kids.
"I would like to take a leave of absences" he said surprising everyone in the room. We all looked up at him like he was crazy. "Excuse me" I asked making sure I heard right "you want to leave." He nodded his head "I just need some time apart" he said and I couldn't miss Jean flinch so hard the chair shook with her. "What do you mean you can't leave" rage said stepping forward eyes glistening with angry and worry. Ale looked hurt as well but stayed in his position looking at the floor. The older sibling always knows I thought sighing. "How long will you be gone" I asked rubbing my forehead tiredly losing one of my strongest guards will be a big blow but if it's what he wants it's better. And the farther away from me he is the better I'll have at not wanting to beat him the hell up.
"You can't seriously be considering letting him leave sir" rage said looking at me hurt and confused. "It is what he wants" I said looking over a Ale and suggesting rage do the same. He took the hint "Ale he's our little brother" rage said trying to make Ale see reason "we have never been apart from each other." Ale looked torn between stopping Kalen and letting him go. Kalen stood in the middle of us all not seeming bothered by the little commotion he started. Ale sighed like all his weight was in it "rage he's older and a lot stronger then we think it just might be the right thing to do it might be what he needs." Rage dare not argue with his brother but stood there with his fist balled up in silent rage. "How long will you be gone" I asked again and everyone looked up at him expectedly.
"I honestly don't know it could be weeks months maybe years.... I have a lot on my mind" he said i did notice the way he glanced over at Jean when he paused. She seemed to shiver at his words. I gritted my teeth together how could he have such a effect on her. "Take what you need and come back when you believe you ready you may leave tonight" I said not wanting to drag this out. "Tonight" Jean said sounding surprised "that's so soon" rage said shocked Ale didn't say a word and Kalen nodded. "If no one else has anything to add your all dismissed" I said waving my hand at them. They all titled their heads down a bit all looking as if their emotional toll had just shattered their prides. Only Kalen stopped just before the door and bowed all the way "thank you for the understanding master" he said before opening the door to leave. "Wait" Jean said jumping out of her seat I grabbed her hand quickly "you can't change his mind" I said. She bite her lip as if she was hurt I said that. "I know I just need to talk to him" she said pulling free of my and running towards the door. Kalen had been waiting in the hallways when she ran out the door. Sighing I rubbed my hand through my hair I got to calm down this is no way to be acting.
After slamming my hand on the desk I realized I could hear them talking and see jeans back from where I sat. "Are you really leaving" she asked sounding hurt. "Yeah I just need to think some things through" he said sounding distant. "Will that thinking be about Christian she asked sounding a bit concerned. Which was weird because she never grew concerned about anyone. "Some of it yeah" he said and I rolled my eyes annoyed at this stupid conversation. "Does that thinking include me too" she asked him curiosity in her voice. At this he grew quiet and I could hear her grasp. "Your not leaving because of me are you" now that was a answer I wanted to no.
It was a moment before he replied "maybe yes maybe no" he answer making my hands clench together on my desk. Again it grew quiet between them which disturbed me more then I thought. "Will you be ok" she asked in a quiet voice. I don't know if he answered or not because it grew quiet again. "Kalen I..." Before she could finish her sentence I seen his arms wrap around her back. I launched out my seat before I sat back down growling quietly in my chair. Stupid wolf boy touching what belongs to me. He whispered something to her so low I barely heard it but I did hear her sigh in content. A second later his arms were gone and I heard her sniffle as if to stop herself from crying. "I'll be ok I promise" he said sounding as if he was stepping away.
"Ok bye Kalen" she said sadly sounding defeated and tired. "Bye Jean" he said back and I could hear his soft footfalls retreating as he left. It took a moment before Jean wandered back into them room. I wanted to go out there and get her but I'd didn't want her to know I knew about the conversation. She looked distraught and lost when she walked back into the office. At first she just stood by the door staring at the ground. "Jean" I asked knowing I sounded worried. She looked up at me and smiled it wasn't her biggest smile but it did reach her eyes. "I'm fine just deep in thought" she confessed leaning on the door. I sighed "Jean come here" I said staring her dead in her eyes.
At first she didn't move then she pushed away from the door towards me. Once she was close enough I pulled her until she straddled my lap. She yelped surprised but soon blushed embarrassed "what are you doing" she asked. I actually chuckled "I missed you close to me" I said rubbing myself up against her so that mans scent will disappear. She didn't say nothing but I could feel that by the way her body heat rose that she was blushing. "Your going to miss him aren't you" I asked it was more out of curiosity then anger that I asked. She stayed quiet for a moment but I waited patiently for her reply.
"Yes" was all she said which made me grit my teeth together. I needed to stay calm. "But I feel like i would miss being with you more then anyone else in the world" she said surprising me before her arms wrapped my neck. Her body got closer to mines and I used all my strength to stop myself from biting into the soft flesh of her neck. She just smelt so good I wanted her only to myself. She was mine to begin with. "I want to stay" she said shocking me even more before I chuckled enjoying this new side of her."I own you of course you have no other option but to stay." Leaning back she frowned at me "I could always just leave probably run away" I knew she was teasing but it still caused me to growl a bit. She ignored it rolling her eyes at me before leaning her chin on my shoulder. That I enjoyed.
"Stay with me" I said closing my eyes just enjoying her smell and body heat. She shivered when my hands wrapped around her waist. I could feel the nod of her head on my shoulder. At that relief flowed through my body. At the same time a strange sense of protectiveness. She needed more then just a protector she needed to be able to take care of herself as well. I licked her neck causing her to quiver in my arms. She was so soft to me. Still this was a better option then any other. "Jean" I said pulling her back so that we were now face to face. She looked at me confused "what" she asked placing her hand on my cheek. That almost distracted me but I had to concentrate this was important. "Let me change you."
Finally the second last chapter this seem to be an on and off thing with me.
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