Chapter 5

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A soft whispering woke me from my sleep. The noise annoyed me because this was the most comfortable sleep I could ever had got. I wanted to tell who ever was talking to shut the hell up.

The whispering continued until I couldn't do anything but open my eyes. I was lying in a sea of gold silk warm gold. I sat up aggravated looking around my surroundings. I controlled the emotion to panic as I remembered where I was and why I was here.

Demetris. I almost groaned then I realized someone else was in the room with me. I jumped up on the bed my instincts to protect myself stronger then the rest. I went for my gun and got another reminder of how I didn't have it.

I really didn't need it on the side of the huge bed stood a small girl her eyes huge from my reaction. The tray she held shook in her hands. I must have really frightened her.

I sighed holding my hand to my face. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare me" I said sitting back down on the bed. Her huge green eyes grew wider.

"No im sorry I shouldn't have snuck up on you" she said bowing her head which made me lift an eyebrow. The little girl looked no older then ten. She had bright red hair that curled at the ends around her neck. She had warm honey skin and she had to be no taller then my stomach.

"Just give her the food loser" another voice said and that's when I noticed another person at the feet of the bed. She was a beauty. Long black hair traveled down her back like silk. Her hazel eyes beamed brightly at me with hatred while her lips were a thin line.

She had a nice body as well a big bust and small waist with legs that go on forever but she wasn't as tall as me. She had milky white skin flawless and clean. Probably so clean I could see my reflection.

"Oh yes im sorry" the little girl said walking closer to the bed. I scooted over to the edge so she wouldn't spill the food on the bed. "Thank you" I said smiling at her and she smiled back shyly.

The other girl rolled her eyes and huffed. On the tray was a really good looking soup with chunks of carrots celery and some chicken. It was a slice of bread next to the soup and a cup of water.

I licked my lips before digging in. "Wow this is good" I said eating like I haven't ate in forever. The girl beamed "do you really think so" she said leaning towards me. I nodded my head chewing and swallowing the bread.

"Thank you I helped the chef make it" she said smiling brightly. I gave her a smile in return "your really good" I told her honestly cause this soup was rocking my world.

When I finished my soup I drank the crisp cool fresh water. "So what's your name kid" I asked setting the glass down on the tray. She smiled next to me "my names Cher and that over there is Courtney" she said pointing to the lady.

"She didn't ask for my name brat" the lady said frowning angrily. I looked at the lady frowning myself "how long have I been here" I asked turning back to Cher.

She bites her lip thinking about it "about three days." My eyes widen as I stared at her "three days" I repeated. She shook her head "Yeah master wouldn't let anyone come see you either" she said staring at me strangely.

"Master" I asked questioningly. A memory flashed across my head of myself calling someone that when I was younger. I felt dizzy suddenly i grabbed my head.

"Are you ok" I heard Cher asked and when I looked at her she was leaning forward with a concerned look on her face.

"Yeah im fine" i said rubbing my hand through my hair. She gave me a sad smile like she knew better.

SuspenseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora