Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


A shuffling noise woke me from my sleep. I groaned as i sat up rubbing my face. I felt like I've been through a landslide my head pounded and my body ached. Confusion whirled through my foggy brain until i remembered what happened last night.

Christian came again and then we went to follow him. I brushed my hand through my head as i began to slowly remember everything. The black door the stairs the people the girl and.. and..

I frowned trying to remember when i felt something in my hand. I moved the covers looking over and notice a hand was wrapped in mines. I followed it to the figure asleep halfway on the bed. Their head and chest was on the bed while the rest sat upon the floor.

The bright white hair gave him away and my eyes widened at the sight of him. And kalen turned into some weird wolf monster beast last night. I could see his giant dark eyes staring at me beyond all that white fur. I jumped back immediately snatching my hand from his.

The movement woke him and he shot up like a spring. He was alert in two seconds as he looked around the room like someone just attacked. When he didn't see anyone he relaxed sighing in relief before rubbing his hand through his hair.

He looked over at me like he was about to say something until for some reason I screamed. He jumped back at the reaction surprise before coming back closer to me. "Shh Shh you'll wake the whole house" he hissed through clenched teeth.

"Stay away from me you monster" i yelled at him moving away from him. Hurt flashed across his face and he leaned back. When he was standing straight upwards his face was totally blank of emotion. That only caused a weird shiver to travel down my back.

"Fine" he said his face lifeless but his voice was tight. He turned away as soon as the word left his mouth and walked away. I watched him surprised as he kept walking until he disappeared behind demetris closet door. He slammed the door behind him.

It grew quiet in the room immediately as i sat there and waited for my heart rate to drop. When it did I jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom. Before closing the door i looked to see if he followed me but demetris room was still empty. I quickly shut the door before leaning against it.

I sat there for a minute before realization dawned on me. What the hell was wrong with me. I roughly pushed my hair feeling a little ashamed of myself. I should have acted way better in that situation I mean i called him a monster. Well he was a monster but the pain look on his face...

I walked more into the bathroom looking over at the mirror. My blue hair waved down my back and my hazel eyes were wide. Minor damage was done to my skin a lot less then what i would have thought. Thats when i noticed the knee that i had hurt was wrapped in a white bandage.

That didn't help my guilt at all. Adding to it i wearing different clothes. A giant grey shirt and some black shorts im pretty sure belonged to demetris. I sighed before walking over to the sink and splashing my face with cold water.

Ok maybe i went a little too hard on him. I mean he did save my life in my state last night i was too scared to think. Now i had enough rationalization to know that if it wasn't for him i wouldn't be alive right now but still. He scared me now knowing what he was. I looked at myself in the mirror.

Faint bite marks circled my neck. Still calling him a monster would be like calling demetris a monster and that only made my guilt worst. Still I know demetris i don't really know Kalen all like that. Still he listened to demetris so he has to be good.

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