Chapter 16

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Chaper 16


The way my office looked caused me too sneer in displeasure. My books and furniture had been thrown all about the room leaving the floor a mess of my stuff.

The maids moved quickly picking up this and that while I fixed my desk and chair so I can sit. In no time the room was spotless and all the maids bowed quickly before exiting the room. "They move just as fast as you do" a voice said across from me.

I looked over at Jean as she sat crossed leg and stared around the room in amazement. "They wish not to anger me" I said waving a hand at her comment. I had made her follow me to my office where we all were to meet. Her bright eyes circled the room not hiding the curiosity gleaming in them. "You sure have a lot of books probably twice as more as you had before" she said eyes still scanning the room.

Shrugging I stood out of my chair "many of these were saved from the fire." Her eyes widened a bit "but they look so well" I knew what she meant but I could only stare at her as she leaned farther back in the chair. "This house is bigger then the old one huh" she asked eyes finally landing on me as she stared me in the face.

Moving away from my desk I walked until I was standing in front of her. "It is indeed" I watched as her cheeks turned the faintest bit of pink and my teeth ached to bite through her soft skin again. My fingers raked through my hair as I tried to control the urge not to pounce her like I did earlier. God this woman will be the death of me.

A tap on the door caused us both to look in the direction of the noise. "Come in" I commanded going back behind my desk and sitting in my chair. As soon as I was seated the door opened and Ale, Rage, and Kalen walked in. I frowned as Kalen gripped the door to hold hisself up a bit.

I did not like punishing them. They were all such good warriors that it was rare to even see one of them in trouble. Some small part of me felt guilty as I watched him slowly walk into the room eyes a bit foggy. The feeling vanished when I realized that the punishment was just and he was lucky to even get off with what I gave him.

Each of them walked into the room until they were in front of my desk standing beside Jean. Rage and Ale eyes flickered over towards her as they noticed someone else was in the room. Kalen eyes stared at her longer then I liked and I realized that it was because she was smiling at him.

It was a warm gentle smile one that I have been graced with many times when she was younger. Seeing her use it as she stared at another caused a low growl to leave my throat. All of them heard it and when Kalen realized I had been staring at him his postures straightened immediately.

I cleared my throat getting all their attention. "I'm sure your brother has informed you on the matter at hand" I said looking over at Ale and Rage. They both nodded "sir" i frowned when I noticed the tight lock of both of their jaws. Sighing I leaned forward in my chair "I know how this makes you both feel for I have my own thoughts to untangle." They both stared at the ground listening to my ever word. "Sir" rage said and I looked up at him "how do we know if she speaks the truth." The room grew quiet for a moment as my eyebrows raised in surprise. Rage was always the one with the guts and strength but he has never once questioned me. I glanced over at Jean she glared angrily at him.

"Rage" Kalen said accusingly a bit of anger in his voice that caught my attention as well as Ale who stared over at him eyes wide. Rage didn't seem to notice "sir we all know Christian scent we would have known if it was him the first night" he said glancing over at Jean who sneered at him. "What reason would I have to lie" jean asked eyes glued on rage with a burning intensity. "You had no problem doing it before" he said back eyes ahead.

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