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Copyrights 2015 All Rights Reserved

Chapter 23


The sounds of chirping birds woke me from my sleep. A groan left my lips as I sat up rubbing my eyes. Even though I've been here for about three months it's still hard for me to get use to my surroundings.
Sitting up on my twin sizes bed my eyes roamed the room as I tried to remember once again where I was. A wooden cartage hidden deep within the forest. It was only big enough for one room besides the bathroom which had its own room. Swinging my feet off the bed I looked towards the small kitchen that occupied the left corner of the cottage.
Rubbing my hand through my hair I stood up walking over to the small fridge. When I opened it though all that seem to be inside was a few eggs and half a cartridge of milk.
Sighing I grabbed both shutting the fridge door behind me with my foot. I quickly made the eggs and when they were done I ate them while chugging down the milk. After I was finished I washed the dishes and grabbed some clothes. Looks like I was going to have to make the two hour journey to the closet town to get more food. Though it will only take a half an hour in my wolf form. Walking outside I took a deep breath of the fresh air. I loved the out doors. Not because of my inner wolf though. It was always something about being in the wild that bring me peace.
Taking another deep breath. I wrapped my clothes around my leg before sprinting towards the woods. As soon as I was moving fast enough I leaped in the air and a few seconds later my paws hit the ground with full force. I continued my run at a faster pace now. The trees blurred by me and the wind blew through my fur. The breeze was warm keeping my muscles loose and lucid. I tried not to think of the time I ran even faster then this for someone else. If I did I would only return back to that place. I couldn't afford to do that since it was my decision to leave.
My decision to distance myself from that person. Soon I could hear the sound of cars whisking past on the nearby freeway. I knew I was closer to the town now. Slowing down my run a bit I ran for thirteen more minutes before I could see the outskirts of the town. Quickly changing back to my human form so no one could see me I threw on my clothes. After I was dressed I walked down towards the town.
As always the town was loud and bustling with people. There was so many different noises and sounds it started to annoy me. Every now and then I would catch people staring at me amazed by my height and build. I don't blame them it's not that many people in this world that could have a form like mines unless they were also a werewolf or a super body builder. Not wasting to much time I found the closest grocery store and walked inside. Immediately cold air hit my skin making me realize how hot it actually was outside. Grabbing a cart I traveled around the store grabbing all the things I needed.
When I walked out the store the sudden heat surprised me. Carrying the few bags I had full of food I continued my walk back towards the wood. This time I would have to walk all the way back because carrying the bags in wolf form was ridiculously hard. The last time I tried all the food spilled out the bag. I need a car I thought sighing as I turned the corner. Someone's body bumped into mines and they fell back from the force. "Ow what was that a brick wall" said a loud voice making me look down at the person.
A woman sat on the floor rubbing her side before looking up at me. She had bright green eyes like freshly watered grass and honey brown hair that stopped at her chin in waves. She had on black pants and a red shirt. In her right hand she gripped a bunch of papers. I couldn't lie she was pretty with her pale skin but that didn't do anything for me. Setting my bags down I reached a hand out for her. "Hey are you ok" I asked watching as a blushed crept across her face. She nodded slowly hand reaching out for mines.
When my hands clasped hers I pulled her up. She was real light and when she stood in front of me she was up to my chest. Short. "Sorry about that I wasn't really looking where I was going" she said pulling her hand from mines and brushing her hair back nervously. "It's alright just be careful next time" I said grabbing my bags and getting ready to walk away. "Ugh wait" I heard her say and I turned around. She looked sad as she looked down at the papers she crunched in her hands.
She walked up to me handing me a paper "have you seen this girl she's been missing for some months now" she said as I looked down at the picture. My heart squeezed in my chest as I stared down at the photo. In the photo was the girl who stood in front of me but that wasn't why for some reason I felt like I couldn't breath. Standing next to her with her arms around her shoulders was her. Her dark blue hair waved down her side and her bright eyes glistened up at me happily. "You see she's my best friend and I've been looking for her for a while now does she look familiar to you" she asked looking up at me with sad eyes.
I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked up at her as apologetic as I could. "Sorry i never seen her" I said watching the hope in her eyes die. "Oh ok thank you um keep the flyer my numbers on it just in case you see her" she said clutching the papers in her hand again her shoulders shaking slightly. Before I could say anything else she turned around and began walking away. "I'm sure she's safe" i blurted out without meaning too. The girl stopped and looked back at me with a tearful smile "knowing her I'm pretty sure she is" she said before walking away again. Sighing I looked down at the paper again. At the bottoms was a phone number with the name Susan next to it. I looked back up at the picture. My chest began to hurt and I crumbled up the paper tossing it aside before walking away myself.
The sun was in the middle of the sky by the time i got back home. I walked in my house and as soon as I did I was hit with a familiar smell. "And what made you come and visit" I said walking by my couch where a familiar figured laid. The person yawned stretching "man took you long enough." Rolling my eyes I walked into my kitchen area and began putting my grocery away. "What do you want" I asked looking back at my older brother as he walked into the kitchen as well. "Masters orders" Rage said shrugging "he wanted me to come check on you and see how your doing."
I sighed "I'm not a little kid he can stop the check ups every month" I said finishing up the grocery. Tossing my brother a water I walked outside and he followed. "Well I wanted to see you as well" he said rubbing my head as he usual does messing up my hair. I frowned up at him. His bald head wasn't really bald anymore his hair was slowly growing back in a fade. "It gets boring with only Ale he never wants to argue with me he's such a goody two shoes" rage said frowning as well. Shaking my head "not going to get it here either" I said sipping my water as we looked out amongst the trees. He snickered next to me "what happened to you your so mellow now" he said glancing over at me.
I chuckled " I was always mellow" I said drinking some more water. He gulped half of his water down "not this mellow you use to be more exciting" I could only shrug. It grew quiet between us as I swirled the water in my bottle in my hand. "Now tell me why you really came" I said still looking at the bottle of water in my hand. A chuckle left his lips "nothing gets past you huh" I didn't answer only stared at the cold water. "I was told to give this to you" he said pulling something out his pocket and handing it to me.
Sighing I took it and a second later a familiar scent hit my nose making me wish I didn't take it. Her scent was wrapped all around the folded piece of paper making my chest hurt. "What is this" I asked careful to control the waver in my voice. He shrugged "me and Ale promised not to ask about your relationship even after what happened in the caves" he said looking down at the ground. He didn't really answer my question and he knew that. He quickly drank the rest of his water tossing the empty bottle at me. "Well I need to get out of here" he said stretching his arms above his head "You know Ale is the captain of the guard around the castle now so he gots us running around doing all types of stuff."
"Told him I would be back in two days" he said shaking his head while I watched him. Biting my lip I looked down at the note. Did I really want to read this note? "You should read it you never know what she might say" rage said giving me a slight smile before turning away "see ya Kalen." A second later he was gone. I could hear the sound of his paws pounding against the ground as he left. I listened until the sound was long gone and i heard nothing but birds chirping in the sky. The silence for once disturbed me as I stared down at the folded piece of paper.sighing I gulped down the rest of my water before throwing away the empty bottles. Slowly I began walking through the woods heading no where really but just walking. When I came to the edge of a small pond I sat down and looked out across the water. It was crystal clear blue. The sun shined over it making it look like a thousand diamonds lay beneath the surface. The sound of small animals going about their business and the wind whistle past my ear as I took a deep breath. I knew I needed to read this paper now and get it out of my system. It's bad enough that even after I discard the paper her scent will be on my hands for days. After staring down at the piece of paper for what seem like years I finally began to unfold it. Better now the never. After the paper was fully unfolded I noticed that small scribbled hand writing was sprawled on the paper. It was all readable and soon I began reading it.
Dear Kalen
By the time you read this I will be dead. Not in a way that normal people die but something in me is dying. Along with the something that was strangely apart of you. I don't know how to explain it or even if I want to but I do need you to know in my own way I loved you. I won't say anything like if I met you first or if we had known each other before because I know it will only bring more pain. Though I will say the time I spent with you could never be replaced. Even though I know I probably won't see you again I do cherish the moments we had. I also apologies for the pain I know we both will feel. And even though I love you I love him even more. So I have decided that what I'm doing now is for the best. I hope you can find someone special to you as well. Someone you could never let go. I will never forget you Kalen even if the part of me that belongs to you vanishes forever.
Sincerely Jean
After I finished reading it I began to noticed the paper had began to crumble a bit. That's when I noticed that my hand had tighten into a ball. I could see that the force of my grip had turned my knuckles white. Even though I could feel myself shaking with a emotion I wasn't ready to described I still looked calmly over the pond. And for some reason a small smile pulled up on my lips "I love you too."

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