Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


Just watching him leave didn't feel right at all. I kept feeling like I should stop him talk to him say something.

But my words were lost and I watched as he silently left the room. When the door closed I watched it like he was going to walk back in. After two long minutes I turned back towards demetris glaring openly. "What is wrong with you" I said so harsh that I bite my tongue i ignored the pain.

Demetris face was hard like ice I could read almost every thought going through his head. "How long" he asked obvious tension in his body he looked as stiff as a board. His eyes beamed a bright red with pieces of silver.

"What" I huffed not caring at all that he was angry. Shoot I was angry too but you don't see my eyes glowing a freaky red color. "How long have you known it was Christian" he said his voice like a winter storm and just as harsh. "The first night" I said crossing my arms over my chest in an annoyed way.

"And you didn't see a need to tell me" he said his eyebrows pulling down into an angry frown. "You just gave me an exact reason why I with held the information" as soon as the words left my mouth I regretted them.

The next thing I know my back was pressed up against the wall and he towered over me. He had moved so fast the oxygen left my lungs and I began grasping for air. "I should beat you for your ignorance" demetris said his voice seemed even deeper then usual.

"Not only did you keep to yourself something I could have used to protect you but you have brought upon my own frustration" he said the words cutting into me like knives of ice. "Just like the good old days huh" I said laughing nervously like what he was doing wasn't affecting me at all.

Oh but it was, being this close to him was blurring my brain and warming my body in a weird way. "Back then you barely knew any better now you do" he said suddenly moving closer to me. He moved so close his body was flush up against mine.

"Demetris" I whispered too afraid to speak louder worried about what affect having him close to me like this would have on my voice. "You should thank god I'm in a very forgiving mood right now" he said and I felt his cold hands his on my waist. I shivered from his cold hands and his gentle yet urgent touch.

His head went down towards my neck and I grabbed at his shoulders. "And why is that" I asked before licking my lips that start to feel really dry. "Because i missed this smell" he said before licking my neck and i moaned. "Demetris wait" i said trying to push against his shoulders but it was no use it was like trying to move a stone wall.

Then i felt his teeth sink into my neck and i jumped from the pain. He groaned around my neck before he began sucking away at my neck. My whole body quivered in pleasure and I gripped tighter onto his shoulders. Small tingles of pleasure rang through my body like bells.

His hands went down my waist until they circled around my thigh. He lifted my legs until they wrapped around his waist and kept me in place cuffing the back of my thighs. I start to feel really warm and cold at the same time and the way his hands moved and his body on mines was too unbelievable to ignore.

When he stopped i felt really dizzy and like i couldnt breath. I stared at his eyes and noticed the silver had came back and only had a bit of red in them that glowed like a fire stone. We didn't move just stayed like that leaned up against the wall. He stared at me and i stared back at him the only movement was the raise and fall of my chest as i breathed in and out.

The way he eyes stared into mines almost made me forget about the world. I could see that he was still angry by the tense set of his jaw but he also was pleased and if i might say somewhat happy.

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