Chapter 2

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"Christian" i screamed trying to be heard over the loud music.

He continued walking as if he didnt hear me. I know he did though his hearing was too strong too sensitive. He turned another corner and was going down a hallway. Panting i followed noticing a door opening.

He turned slightly looking at me before walking out. I followed when the door shut behind me. I noticed i was in a alley way next to the club.

It was cold i didnt have my jacket. Surprisingly i didnt see Christian anywhere.

There were cars speeding past the alleyway but no Christian. Very disappointed i went back to the door to go back in.

Before i could cold hands covered my eyes sending me into darkness.

I heard breathing behind me and on instinct i almost attacked. Being a police officer gave you that kind of reflexes.

The person behind me grunted. I stiffened feeling more of him around me knowing who it was.

Licking my cold lips i whispered "Christian." There was no sound for a long time and for a moment i thought i was mistaken.

That was until he chuckled. The slight deepness of his chuckle bring back memories.

Times when we all use to laugh at how his voice was girly and manly.

"You were always good at this game werent you" his sweet musical voice said. I wanted to turn i wanted to see his face. His baby soft curls that made him look so young.

Instead i said instinctively again "what are you doing here" sounding a little harsher then meaning too.

I could feel him shift removing his hand from my face. "Now thats not nice jean we've been looking for you for years."

I snickered as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to his cold body. "My have you growned" he said i ignored that statement.

"If you had then why am i still a orphan" he chuckled "arent you a little to old to be orphaned."

Instead of answering i looked down at his arms wrapped around me.

"He won't be happy with what your doing right now" i whispered to him.

He gripped tighter "and how would you know that" i didnt answer.

His fingers started making small circles on my cold exposed skin.

"Don't you want to see him" he whispered in my ear. I stared straight ahead as memories formed in my head.

"Dont play we both knows hes dead" i said voice cracking at the end.

He chuckled "but i know he isnt" i stiffened as the thoughts hit me.

"why are you here" his hands pulled back from my waist. "For you obviously" he said as if it was simple as day.

"Why" i asked again his hands landed on my back as he leaned in.

"Because we miss you" he said then his presence was gone.

I turned around and realized i was in the alley by myself again like it was all a dream.

My shoulders slumped as i realized how cold and alone i felt.

Every since that night ive been cold and alone. But seeing Christian put a little warmth in my body. That i realized was gone along with him.

I hugged myself and went back into the club. When i walked back in it i felt like my ears was bleeding from the pressure of the music.

Thats when i realized i wasnt in the mood to party anymore. I circled around the club until i saw susan.

She was totally drunk laughing at two mans jokes. I walked to her and gradded her hand. At first she looked aggravated i touched her.

Her eyes landed on me then recognition surfaced then worry.

She handed her drink to someone and stood up on wobbly legs. Suddenly she started walking through the massive crowd with her hand locked on mines.

I followed her confused. I only wanted the keys which i gave to her because my purse wasnt very secure.

She pulled me into the girls bathroom. When the door shut behind her the music volume went down. But the bass still vibrate off the walls.

"Here sum tishue.." she slurpled handing me some from her purse.

I looked at her confused for a moment until i seen my reflection in the mirror.

Tears were falling down my face staining my face with mascara. I looked at susan. She gave me a drunk smile and i cleaned my face.

When i was done i looked at her and said "im going home." She shook her head "well ill see you there later."

I grabbed her hand before she can walk out the door "Oh no you dont your coming with me drunkard."

"Aw why" she whined i rolled my eyes "because your too drunk to drive and im not leaving you with no stranger."

She snickered as i led her out the bathroom to where we left our stuff. "Ah my knight in shining stelidos" she said i laughed man i got to get her home.

We found our stuff and walked out to the car. Once inside i had to buckle us both in. Susan kept screaming out the window to ranbom people.

Finally when i had enough i pulled her down and tighten her seat belt.

She whined the whole way home. Why did i ever let this girl get drunk.

When i opened the door to my house susan bolted inside. I sighed going to the cabinets as i heard the first wretched noise.

I walked into the bathroom with the pills for her stomach. She was cold out head laid out on the toliet.

Ew i thought and woke her up. "No mom ten more minutes" she said waving me off.

I sighed slapped her on the face. She woke right up first she looked confused then smiled when she seen my face.

"Hey jean whatcha doing" she slurred. "Here drink this" i told her dropping the pill in the water. She chugged it down and looked up at me still smiling.

"My cheek hurts" she told me rubbing me "Its probably from sleeping on the toliet" i told her helping her up.

"Ew" she said giggling i could only shake my head. I laid her on the couch and went to go get a bucket for her. Just in case she thought my rug was a toilet.

I went to my room and laid down after she was all settled and asleep.

I got undressed put on some pjs and hopped in bed. I laid down thinking about how i really saw Christian.

It felt good to see him to know he was ok. I turned on my bed laying on my side.

I closed my eyes ready to sleep and praying i dont have any dreams tonight.


Sorry for the long wait was working on my first book more den this one.

But now ill try to update this one more

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