Chapter 3

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I woke up stretching my arms and legs.

Smiling i was happy that i didn't have a bad dream. I wanted to jump off the bed dancing.

The sensation almost took over until i heard a groan next to me. Laying in my bed peacefully asleep was Susan.

I rolled my eyes and got out of the bed. A grumbling in my stomach had me heading right to the kitchen.

Setting out a frying pan i got ready to cook some eggs and pancakes. A prickling sensation erupted on my neck as i was looking through the silverware drawer.

I turned and whipped the knife out my hand. Christian caught it right before it hit his face.

I took in a breath of relief realizing who it was. "What are you doing here" i asked harshly.

He stabbed the knife on the counter causing me to flinch. I just got those finished last week i thought frowning at the surface.

"I don't remember you being the violent type" he said tracing the edges of the knife.

The audacity of what he said threw me off. "I have to survive somehow" i said defending myself.

Turning back to the stove i turned the eye down to low. "So what are you doing here" i asked again about to turn back to him.

His body to my surprise pushed into mines. "I came to come get you" he said wrapping his arms slowly around my waist. He was as cold as a winter day.

I shivered "and take me where" i asked getting defensive. He must of felt the stiffness in my shoulders because before i could blink i was facing him and my head was spinning.

"Don't be like that Jean we want you back" he said looking me straight in the eye. I watched his for any hint of a lie to believe his nonsense would be crazy.

Still as i watched for any trace of disbelief i saw none alone raw honesty. Either he got really good at lien or he was telling the truth which frightened me a little.

"There's nothing to take me back to" i said turning away trying hard not to let the memories overwhelm me. It was too painful to even think about.

"You don't know that unless you let me take you with me" his words were as soft as the wind so gentle i hesitated where i stood.

The possibilities of what would happen running through my mind like a lighting bolt. Then again this could all be a trap a set up.

What plan would Christian have for me. Slightly turning my head i looked at him he stared at my back in a anxious way confusing me.

I stepped closer to the stove picking up the pan before it could burn. Setting it aside on a cooler eye I turned back to Christian my back on the stove.

"Why do you want me back" i asked gripping the stove tightly to stop myself from springing froward. I had done fine all these years on my own i wasn't in any haste to go back.

Still just to see him would be nice to know he's OK. "We miss you we would of come sooner but" he stopped talking as if he couldn't say anymore as if a hand stuffed its way down his throat.

"But what" i asked staring at his still form being cautious just in case. He didn't answer instead looked back at my room annoyed.

I looked in the same general direction and wish i hadn't. He had use that little distraction to get closer to me. Not close enough to touch but to only stretch his arm and be able to grab me.

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