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He stood there staring at me as I stared at him. Our stares were different though his was intense and mines was scared.

I saw two shadowy faces bend down in front of me "honey you have to stay here ok" I shook my head but they didn't notice. Instead they pushed me toward him. When I looked back they were leaving with out me.

I almost jumped towards them until his booming voice called out to me. "Come here now child" I whimpered and slowly walked his way.

I noticed the big couch he sat on along with the lean small figure standing beside him. I couldn't see his face but I knew he was eyeing me I felt it on my skin. When I finally made it in front of him he bent down towards me.

I flinched but stood still too afraid of what he was going to do if I didn't. I felt his hand touch my hair and pull through it. Tears fell down my face "what a strange color for hair to be" his deep rumbling voice said which made me shake.

"Was your hair always this color" he asked I looked up at him he had sliver eyes swirled with red. His hair was brown and put into a back pony tail. He had a very masculine face I could even still see little hairs around his chin.

"Child I asked you a question" he boomed I flinched away again. "Yes... I...I've been like this since birth sir" I said. He pulled back "come sit" he said gesturing next to him on the couch.

I hesitated before trying to pull my self up on the couch. It didn't go so well I was so small compared to this high thing. I heard him smack his fangs he yanked on my arm and pulled me on the couch.

After I was seated I silently cried "you are not to move you only listen to me If you shall disobey you will face my wrath." I sniffled and nodded my head. He patted my head I stiffen to the feeling of his touch.

"You are my new play thing your new name is Jean" he said I nodded my head again wiping away my tears.



I was going to die in this smoke I knew it but I had to find my master. I was running through the hall trying to get to him see if he was ok. It was so much smoke by his room door I bent down to evade much of it.

As I grew closer to it I heard a loud growl rip out then something crashed. "Master..cough" I choked terribly why today of all days for this to happen? I fell on the door trying to push it open was futile since he kept it locked at all times.

I slumped down to the floor whimpering like a kid again. It was my 8th birthday master has had me for three years.

I have come to have a fair bit of liking to him yes he was scary but nice to all his servants and play things. He gave me a gift on every single one of my birthdays so i couldn't wait for this year. I had a gift for him thanking him for adopting me.

I couldn't remember my parents face so no use in worrying about them I was more worried about my master the man who some what raised me.

Another shock wave of coughing went through my small body if I were to die I would die at least close to my master. As soon as I was about to give in his door swung open and he looked down at me.

"Darn it all jean why the hell didn't you get out the house" he grabbed my hand with his cold one and yanked me to my feet. I stood knee's wobbling weak "master I came to look for you."

He huffed obviously frustrated "fool mortal worrying about me while being close to death herself" he said pulling me down the steps.

I fumble after him but kept up the house was raging out. I was going to melt in here the flames licked at my sides as if trying to grab me and pull me to the infernal of hell. I flinched as we headed towards the last flight of steps.

I saw a few other servants fleeing for the front door and I rushed to catch up with them and master.

We made it to the bottom when a defeaning crack froze us all. Suddenly the master yelled move they did but I didnt I was scared. I didnt know where to move and looked at him as he came running my way anger all on his face.

"Dammitt jean listen for once and MOVE" he said I flinched as I tried stepping back one foot then another foot then a loud scream rippe through the air. I turned to see the servants running for the exit another loud crack burst through the air.

Then cold hands pushed me I knew those as only master's hands. He pushed me too hard I flew and fell into a wall cracking something in my side. I groaned and sat up to look around.

Where I was standing sat piles of wood that was licked with flames but master wasnt anywhere in sight. I looked around and still didnt see him.

Thats when I realized with horror that he took the fall for me crushing his self under all that wood. I stood up limping to him "Master..cough cough" I groaned but the pile of heap never moved. I start spitting up blood from what ever inner injury I had but I didnt care.

It felt like I was never going to make it to that wood. My sight grew blurry but finally I made it to the heap I tried so hard to move the wood. They were on fire though and my hands kept getting burned eveytime I moved one.

I didnt care though as long as master lives I thought. COUGH cough COUGH I looked at the floor I was spitting up more blood. I needed to hurry or I wont get to him in time to save him.

My eyes blurred more but for another reason for I was crying I couldnt lose him I didnt know life outside this place. I didnt know nobody who knew me or would take care of me. I knew though that if I got him out of there we could go back to being happy again us and all the servants.

I was only a 8 year old child I still had dreams too and he was one of them. Finally after burning my hands fifty times I reached his hand. I smiled with relief as I felt it. He still felt cold to the touch.

I pulled it but it didnt budge I struggled and tried to pull harder he wouldnt move I almost broke down. "come on almost there" I said. I pulled him harder until I heard another deafening crack. My eyes widen I had to get him out before something else fell in.

The thing was I didnt have a chance because when I went to pull again a pair of arms wrapped around me lifting me from the floor. My hand slipped from master and I cried out in disbelief.

The most heart brokening thing that every happened to me that wasnt losing my parents to an unknown person. But learning to love that person and watching as they slipped right through your fingers.

As the mysterious person carrying me ran off I seen the last glimpse of my masters hand before the ceiling trompled in more burying him in the marvelous place that used to be his home.. my home.

I cried out for days for master to come back and it never happend I was never saved. So I was stuck in this cold cruel world without guidance. Leaving me bitter and cold like the feel of master hands before I let him go.

But I never knew this one man would change my fate so many times.


I hope you continuing reading my new in put. I hope you like and enjoy for you havent seen nothing yet. =)

Thank you kitties.

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