Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


All my nerves stood on end as we traveled deeper into the cold room. Being in here again did nothing for my anger at finding out it was Christian behind everything. My teeth rubbed together in aggravation.
I really didn't want to believe that he could do it betray master. He's has always been with him it just shows were his loyalties really lie. With himself. Jean whole body shook in front of me again as we walked past the empty crates and boxes. I wanted to pull her close to me so I could warm her up but I haven't gotten any such command from Demetris so I was stuck watching her freeze. I don't know why but seeing her uncomfortable bothered me.
I looked over her at demetris as he continued closer to the archway. None of this seem to bother him at all I was even more surprised when I was told to tag along. It mean he trusted me but he was also keeping an eye on me. For what I don't know. Suddenly he stopped just right next to the large dark doorway and light flooded the room. I blinked once letting my eyes adjust quickly. Jean on the other hand standing in front of me rubbed her eyes and numerous blinked them rapidly.

"Alright where did you go when you got down here" he asked setting the torch down on a hook and staring at us. I looked around the crate room. It looked different in the light. I could see crates lined up on the wall and some of them had words on it I couldn't read. On the far side of the wall to my left was a wooden door that was painted red. I didn't notices that when we first got here and I instantly grew curious.

"That way" I heard Jean say looking back over at her. She was pointing into the dark archway I shivered just thinking about going back in there. Demetris looked at us strangely "we found people in that room chained up and brutalized" Jean said looking over at me for agreement. I shook my head looking back into the darkness of the room. Demetris rolled his eyes "I assure you there is nothing in that room at all" he said walking into he darkness and disappearing from sight.
A moment later the light came on in that room as it did last night. The light was still dim but we were able to see just fine. What we seen not only surprised Jean but I as well. There was literally nothing in the room no bodies no blood no chains of any sort. It was as clean and dusty as an attic and our eyes watched in confusion and disbelief. "See" demetris said coming around the corner "nothing."
"Something is wrong here" Jean said stepping into the room and spinning in a circle. I came in right after her. The air smelled stile and unhealthy but I couldn't smell one ounce of blood not even a drip. Gears turned in my head rapidly as I tried to understand what change over night so quickly.

"Someone had to have been down here to clean everything up" Jean said voicing my thoughts. We both looked over at demetris who stared at us weirdly "there is only 5 other scents down here you two and two other people and now me."

Jean shook her head quickly "no that can be right it should be six scents." I nodded as well with her but demetris was also telling the truth their was only five scents in here and that only confused me more.

"Master if I might add the night before when we came down here three people chased after us" I said staring over at him and Jean nodded her head. "Are you sure" he asked his eyebrow raising in interest. "Positive" Jean said while I shook my head. "So there a person walking around my home without a scent that's impossible" he said combing through his hair and sighing. "In the world you live in do you really believe anything is impossible" Jean said frowning over at him.

He stared at her for a minute as if unsure of his own thoughts. I watched on silently while taking small glances of the room to see if there was anything we were missing.
"Alright well we won't find anything down here" he said grabbing Jean by her waist and leaving the room. I followed behind them leaving the circular room of mystery. When we past through the archway I looked over at the red wooden door i seen before. Light shined brightly from the bottom of it almost making me stop in my tracks."Kalen" I heard Jean voice ask questioningly. I looked away from the door to her she was looking at me over her shoulder. When our eyes might hers sparkle lightly before looking over at where I was staring. She noticed the door instantly stopping demetris in his tracks.
"Wait what's that" she asked turning fully towards the door. Demetris body turned slightly as he looked over where she stared. He stared over at the door for a moment before heaving a heavy sigh. "I didn't see that when we came down did you" she asked looking over at me I shook my head before looking up at Demetris. "Alright fine you were going to find out eventually " he said pulling her over to the door. "Always so curious" he whispered and I could only silently grin agreeing with him.
As we approached the door I could hear slight shuffling noises on the other side. My curiosity grew with each step until we were in front of the door. Demetris pulled out a gold key from his pocket that I never seen before and unlocked the door. When he opened the door it opened with a small creak. Suddenly we were surrounded in a warm glow which I immediately realize was the light I saw before.

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