Chapter 10

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The thoughts in my head swirled round and round as i lay in demetris golden silk bed.

Something was really bothering me about Christain. Last night and earlier today it was like he was bipolar or something. Today he acted all sweet and innocent like last night never happen.

Like he didn't cause the scars and bruises on my body. He actually seemed surprise to see me in such a beat up condition and it actually worried him. I wanted to choke him when he came in here with Courtney after me and demetris little play fight.

He didn't really get a good look at me when him and Cher came in the room for me to eat but when Courtney and him came in he acted as if he couldn't believe what happened to me. Courtney actually was happy about the damage.

It was a mystery alright one i was going to solve. I couldn't dare tell demetris it was Christain that beat me to death he'd have a fit and silence him before i could understand why he did it.

I had to do this on my own. I was trained to do this on my own anyways. Demetris didnt have to know and i would have the perfect opportunity to talk to Christain. And to also figure out what he was planning and why.

Speaking of demetris i leaned up on my elbows to see him dash through the room again. "So where are you going again" i asked curiosity so strong in my voice i almost choked on it.

"I told you there is a meeting at which i have to attend and it is important that i one of the six remaining pureblood vampires be there" he said throwing his suitcase on the bed and dashing off again.

I sighed and looked at the three construction guys putting together a bed on the other side of the room. I hoped it wasn't for me i liked demetris bed way more. "Ok so my bodyguard is leaving so that means i get free roam of the castle" i said crossing my arms at that he stopped moving.

"No your master is leaving you with a very capable bodyguard as a replacement to keep you from doing just that" he said frowning at me like he would at a kid who didn't understand.

My teeth ground together "i don't need protection I'm not a little girl anymore" i couldn't believe this guy trying to keep me locked up in this room. "I will not be disobeyed again jean" he said his face turning a little angry the red in his eyes gleaming lightly.

"And i will not be your prisoner" i yelled at him leaning towards him. Just like cold water thrown on a flame the red in his eyes died down as he looked at me surprised yet confused.

He looked over at the construction working as they tried to make it seem like they weren't staring openly. Heaving a heavy sigh he sat on the bed as close to me as he could and as close as i would allow.

"Jean i am not trying to keep you locked up like some chained animal I'm trying to protect you" he said his hand coming up to try and touch my face but i turned away. He sighed again "last night i was very worried when you disappeared i didn't know what to do."

I turned towards him to see the silver and red slowly mixing together in his eyes. "The first thing i thought was i had gone and lost you all over again that i would never find you again and that for some odd reason tore at something in my chest. Before i knew it i was chasing after you and you know better then anybody i don't chase after anything."

It was foolish of me to be pulled in by such sweet words but i couldn't help myself because i knew it was true. Whenever a servant ran away he never went himself he always just sent the royal guards. Was i really that important to him.

"Keeping you in this room is not the torture you see it as just a precaution to keep you safe" he said his hand this time combing through my hair. This time i didn't pull away i was too compelled by him.

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