Chapter 9

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Watching her sleep so peacefully might become my new past time.

I combed my hand through her soft blue hair as she breath gently in her sleep. I wondered what she dreamed about. Were I in any of her dreams. Were they good dreams.

How did I become so curious about one woman.

A knock on the door cut my concentration and I stood up pulling the covers higher on her body. "Come in" I said standing up off the bed. The door opened slowly and Ale Rage and Kalen all walked in.

They dropped to one knee and bowed immediately. "Sir" they all said as I walked up to them. There are only a certain amount of people I allow in my room. There is these three Cher Courtney and the cleaning lady.

The only person who has stayed in my room for a length of time is jean and I'm keeping it that way I thought. Until I glanced over at Kalen. Until now.

"What were your findings" I asked standing in front of Ale the oldest of the three. His eyes stared straight into mines. "Sir the person traveled through the carverns and beyond the waterfall we still did not recognize the scent" Ale said his head bowing down in shame.

My teeth grind together lightly before i sighed. Who ever this person was they were going to great lengths to stay away from me and piss me off at the same time. "Thats fine" i said walking a line along the front of them.

Their eyes followed my feet not daring to look beyond that point. "We will go check beyond there on a later date" i told them i would rather we check now but i couldn't leave her alone again after what happened tonight.

I glanced back at her to still see her sound asleep. "We sir" Ale asked in question his voice sounding surprised. I looked back at them and all of their eyes were on me wide.

"Yes we are going to travel beyond the carverns and we are all going together including me" i said and they all nodded still looking lightly surprised. I don't blame them i never go on hunts with them.

I never saw no need to travel along with them knowing they would finish the deed without my help. Still now that jean was in trouble i couldn't just stand by and wait. Shaking my head i stopped pacing "is there any farther information."

They all looked at each other and kalen said "yes sir their seems to be another unknown scent crossing with the other we have no idea who that is either." I gripped my head my patients running low.

"Its fine i will check that out later" i said before walking in front of them. "You all did very good tonight" i told them before placing my hand on each one of their heads. "Sir" they all said in unison.

"Good Ale Rage you are dismissed" they both stood up glanced at kalen then left the room. I don't blame them for being worried about the youngest brother though i plan to do nothing to him.

"Kalen you may stand" i said and he did so immediately. I smiled that was the exact reason why i had choose him for this mission. He was quick and his sense of smell remarkable. His older brothers would of done fine as well but i felt his loyalty was stronger then theirs.

"I have a very important task for you one i think only you can do for me" i said circling around him. "Sir" he asked ready to hear the mission i walked around him until i was in front of him.

What i was about to say was cut off when i heard the gently movement of my covers behind me. "Demetris" her sleepy voice called out to me making my body throb in an odd way.

I moved quickly to the bed sitting on the side next to her. She somehow got up into a sitting position and was leaning up half asleep. "Yes jean im right here" i said brushing her hair from her face.

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