Welcome Baby

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It has been a hard few months but it is almost time for my little Lilian Grace to be here. We have only a few days left. She can be here at any minute.

I was in the kitchen making dinner when I felt a sharp pain in my back. "Sam" I screamed. He came in as my water broke. "Is it time" he asked and all I could do was nod. "Ok, let me grab the bags and we will go" he said. Moments later he was helping me towards the truck.

I pulled out my phone and called my dad. "Daddy, it's time" I say. "Ok we are headed to the hospital" he said then hung up.

We arrived at the hospital and got checked into a room. Carlisle walked in. "Ok I'm gonna check to see how dilated you are" he said. Normally he wouldn't even doing this but I requested that he did, I didn't want anyone else to be here or do it. I nod. "Sweetheart you are fully dilated, on your next contraction I need you too push" he said and I nod squeezing Sam's hand.

A hour later and we had a beautiful baby girl. My amazing Lilian Grace Uley. Carlisle walked out and got my dad and Jacob.

"Hey there" dad said as he came in Jake following behind him. "Hey" I said still looking at Lili. "She's beautiful" Jacob said. "Thank you" I said looking to him "do you want to hold her" I asked him and he nodded. He walked over and sat next to me on the bed and took Lili.

"What's her name" he asked looking down at her. "Lilian Grace Uley" Sam said. "She is so perfect" dad said. Sam and I smiled at him. "Thanks" I said.

A nurse came in an hours later after everyone had a chance to hold her and told us visiting hours are over. Dad and Jake said their goodbyes.

The next morning Lili and I were discharged to go home. We arrived at our house and Sam grabbed Lili. We went in and put Lili down and we went to our bedroom. "We should get some sleep while she is sleeping" I yawn. He nods and we both crawl into bed after turning on the baby monitor.

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