Todoroki Meets Eri

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It was after the school festival and everyone was cleaning up.
As Eri was about to go back to the hospital, Deku gave her a candy apple he made with the help of Sato to honor her goodbye.
Once she left, Deku waved goodbye.
When it came close to November, Eri was transferred to U.A. to stay in the empty room in the teachers lounge since she cannot stay in the hospital forever.
She was visited by Asui, Uraraka, Kirishima and Deku as they we're meeting with the big three and Aizawa.
Togata will welcome class 1A students to visit Eri every once in a while which made Deku happy, but will Eri meet other class 1A students.
One day, Deku went to visit Eri on his way to class as Iida and Todoroki were standing outside.
"Are you sure you don't want to see her", asked Iida.
"No thank you", answered Todoroki.
"Well I'm going in, and if you change your mind you're welcome to come in", said Iida.
Iida walked in the teachers lounge.
"Hey little one how are you doing"?
"I'm... Okay I guess", answered Eri nervously.
"She's fine, Aizawa will be keeping an eye on her", said Deku.
"That's good, don't want any accidents again", said Iida.
Todoroki then walked in.
"Okay are we going to class or what cause we got a few minutes", asked Todoroki.
"Oh sorry, lost track of time", said Deku.
Todoroki spotted Eri.
"Is this Eri", asked Todoroki.
"Yeah", answered Deku smiling.
"Hi", said Eri.
"Hi", said Todoroki.
"You wanna talk to her a little bit", asked Deku.
"Okay", answered Todoroki kinda nervous.
Todoroki sat down next to Eri.
"We'll leave you two alone for a little bit while we stand outside", said Iida.
Iida and Deku stepped outside and closed the door.
"Soooo, I heard some interesting things about you young lady", said Todoroki.
"You did", asked Eri.
"I overheard some of my classmates talk about you, mostly Midoriya", answered Todoroki.
"My mom sent me away to mean plague doctors and they tortured me", said Eri.
"Tortured", said Todoroki.
"They were taking blood out of me and used it to create some weird pills", said Eri.
"No wonder you had to be rescued", said Todoroki.
"But I didn't want to hurt anyone else cause I've heard I was a curse, especially Deku", said Eri.
"It's because of your quirk isn't it", asked Todoroki.
"Yes, but now I'm happy cause I came to the festival, and I saw Deku dance, and these guys are going to take care of me", said Eri smiling.
"Hopefully you can learn to control your quirk, and won't end up like me", said Todoroki.
"What do you mean", asked Eri.
Todoroki thought about his left side and his childhood.
"As a child, I was too abused, by my own dad", answered Todoroki.
Eri had a stunned look on her face.
"He made me go through some harsh training to surpass a hero and himself to be the number one hero, he pushed me around so much I rejected him by refusing to use my left side for a long time cause it used to symbolize him".
"I'm so sorry", said Eri.
"It's not your fault little girl, not everyone can have a bright childhood", said Todoroki.
"But I now know I'm not the only one who was tortured", said Eri.
"Trust me your not alone", said Todoroki.
"My name is Eri by the way", said Eri.
"I already know your name, again I overheard everyone", said Todoroki.
"What's your name", asked Eri.
"You can call me Shoto, it's probably easier for you to remember", answered Todoroki.
"Nice to meet you Shoto", said Eri.
"Also Eri, please don't tell anyone else about my childhood, I want it kept secret", said Todoroki.
"Your secret is kept with me", said Eri smiling.
Iida and Deku was standing right by the door listening to everything.
"It sounds like it's going well in there", said Iida.
"It's just so nice that Todoroki and Eri are getting along", said Deku.
"I have to get to class now, it was nice meeting you Eri", said Todoroki.
Todoroki and Eri shook hands.
"I'm actually happy talked to her cause it turns out Eri and I have things in common", said Todoroki's thoughts.
Todoroki left the room and noticed Iida and Deku were standing by the door the whole time.
"Please tell me you didn't hear everything", said Todoroki embarrassed.
"Only the part where you introduced your name", said Iida.
"Okay thank you", said Todoroki.
Everyone walked to class.
"Perhaps maybe you should hang with Eri more", said Deku.
"I don't know about that", said Todoroki.
"I'll let you think about it", said Deku.
"Yeah we're not forcing this on you buddy", said Iida putting his arm around Todoroki's neck.
"Can you take your arm off of me", asked Todoroki.
"Oh sorry", said Iida taking his arm off of Todoroki.
"Maybe I should hang out with Eri more often", said Todoroki's thoughts.

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