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Todoroki was helping Eri with the itsuki lullaby lyrics in the teachers lounge.
Eri was reading the lyrics on the paper.
"Od....oma iya.....iya", said Eri.
"Good, you got it", said Todoroki.
"Naku.... ko no..... mori nya", said Eri.
"You're doing good, now say this line twice", said Todoroki.
"Naku to iwa...rete ura....", said Eri.
"Uramareru", said Todoroki.
"ura....mareru, gee this is hard", said Eri.
Todoroki and Eri both giggled and laughed.
"But you were pretty good though, you just need to keep practicing okay", said Todoroki.
"Okay", said Eri.
"But we can take a little break if you want to", said Todoroki.
"Okay", said Eri.
"So what do you want to do", asked Todoroki.
"Want to see my costume I made", asked Eri.
"Sure", answered Todoroki.
Eri went in her room and putted on her costume.
She ran back out dressed up like Deku and her teddy bear dressed up like her during overhaul.
"Check it out, I am Deku and I'm going to rescue Eri from Overhaul", said Eri.
"That's so cute, but you're missing the villain", said Todoroki.
"Sorry I don't have anyone to play as Overhaul", said Eri.
Todoroki stood up.
"You do now", said Todoroki.
Eri smiled and went back in her room.
She ran back out with a paper plague mask that look like Kai's.
"You might need this, I made it myself", said Eri.
Eri gave Todoroki the paper mask and her teddy bear and Todoroki putted the mask on.
"Hey look, I'm Overhaul", said Todoroki playfully.
"Let her go Overhaul, she's suffered enough", said Eri playfully.
"No way her blood is mine for experiments", said Todoroki playfully.
"Than I will have to fight you for her", said Eri playfully.
Todoroki playfully roared and started chasing after Eri.
Eri playfully screamed and started running.
They were both giggling and laughing as they were playing.
Todoroki has caught Eri and tickled her.
"What you gonna do now, what you gonna do now you're trapped", said Todoroki playfully.
"Detroit smash", said Eri playfully.
Eri landed a fake punch on Todoroki.
"Ahhhhhh you got me, ahhhhhh I'm damaged", said Todoroki playfully.
Eri ran and grabbed her teddy bear.
"You're safe now Eri", said Eri playfully.
Togata helped Aizawa with an injured arm in the teachers lounge and saw Todoroki and Eri playing.
"Aizawa, sir", said Todoroki.
"I see you guys are having fun there, impressive", said Aizawa.
"Aizawa you're hurt", said Eri worried.
"I'll be okay Eri, I just got injured from a small fight with a villain", said Aizawa.
"It's from Simon, isn't it", asked Eri.
"No, it's from a different villain", answered Togata.
Eri didn't believe Togata and had a sad look.
"Okay it is from Simon, but don't you worry the angles are still going to protect you, that means Simon will never get to you".
"My arm is too injured but that doesn't mean I still can't protect you, I just won't be going into battlefields for now, if Simon ever breaks in, I will be here to protect you", said Aizawa.
Todoroki took off the paper mask and stood up.
"Eri, let's not worry about Simon right now, let's just think about fun", said Todoroki.
Eri still looked sad and Todoroki hugged her out of comfortness.
"How about we go do some finger painting, would that be nice".
"Okay", said Eri.
Todoroki picked up Eri and carried her to the cafeteria.
"I can see Todoroki has a huge passion for Eri", said Togata smiling.
"Yes he does, it turns out they have a lot in common", said Aizawa.
"I'm happy Eri has people that look after her", said Togata.
"Me too, she had such a dark past", said Aizawa.
Todoroki and Eri were finger painting pictures in the cafeteria.
"I feel better now", said Eri.
"See, I told you finger painting will help you", said Todoroki.
Todoroki accidentally flew some red paint on his nose.
Todoroki sighed and Eri giggled.
Pretty soon, Todoroki started giggling.
"You have a red nose", said Eri giggling.
"I guess you can call me Shoto the red nose reindeer for now on", said Todoroki laughing.
Eri painted the right side of Todoroki's nose white matching his right side.
"Now it looks like you", said Eri.
They laughed again.
"Check out what I painted", said Todoroki.
Todoroki held up a painting of Eri.
"Awww, you love me this much", said Eri.
"Check out my painting".
Eri held up a painting of Todoroki, Deku, and Aizawa as angles protecting her from a demon.
"I like it, but who's the demon", asked Todoroki.
"That's Simon, I don't know what he looks like but I've heard he looked like a demon, so I made him look like a demon", answered Eri.
"Simon really does look like a demon, nice work, I'm glad you're finally relying on us to protect you", said Todoroki.
"Of course, you are right I am protected by you guys, I guess I was too scared", said Eri.
Aizawa and Togata walked in for a drink.
"When I saw him as a child, I was too afraid of Simon, and my dad told me I shouldn't of been afraid of anything, yet I'm still scared of Simon to this day", said Todoroki.
"It's okay to be a little scared Todoroki, I know pro heroes who have fears, in fact I actually got a bit scared when I had to let Eri go with Overhaul the first time I met her, but once I found out the truth about him, we decided to rescue her and she is okay now", said Togata.
Eri started drawing Togata on her painting.
"What's your point", asked Todoroki.
"What I'm saying is that being afraid is just a part of someone, and being scared doesn't mean you're not a hero", said Togata.
"Some fears cannot be conquered, but I've seen pro heroes face their fears before, even All Might".
"I guess I don't have to not be afraid of Simon", said Todoroki.
"You just need to face your fear, even if you can't conquer it, believe me there are pro heroes that haven't conquered their fears at all", said Togata.
"You tell me I've actually faced Simon last night after I left", said Todoroki.
"Really, you have", asked Togata.
"Yeah, he practically attacked us so I... fought back", said Todoroki with a guilty look.
"So you actually fought Simon", said Aizawa.
"Yes I did sir, I'm sorry I broke the rules it's just that Simon was my childhood nightmare and I wanted to prove myself I wasn't afraid of him, but when he took my blood out I'm now even more scared of him, again I'm sorry, I deserved to be punished", said Todoroki.
"How about two days of house arrest starting tomorrow", asked Aizawa.
"Yes sir", answered Todoroki.
"I'm sorry you got punished Shoto, you're still the big brother I never had, even if you're not here everyday", said Eri.
"I know", said Todoroki.
Togata peaked at Eri's picture.
"Hey nice picture Eri", said Togata.
"Thank you Mirio, in fact, I haven't forgotten about you", said Eri showing Togata her painting now with Togata in it.
"You wanna do something else for the rest of the day Shoto", asked Eri.
"Sure", answered Todoroki.
"Can I join in", asked Togata.
"Sure", said Eri.
"Although, this time when we play Overhaul Lemillion will be part of the story", said Togata.
"And I'm Deku", said Eri taking off her white paint coat.
"Awesome costume, you were wearing that the whole time", asked Togata.
"Yeah, and I also made Overhaul's mask", answered Eri.
"Which I still have", said Todoroki pulling out the paper mask.
Todoroki putted the paper mask on over his mouth.
"I played as Overhaul".
"You better let me be part of the game cause I was involved with that event too", said Aizawa.
"But you're hurt", said Togata.
"That doesn't mean a can't play at least a little", said Aizawa.
"Come on we have to save the teddy bear", said Eri excitedly.
"Come at me if you want her", said Todoroki playfully.
"Come on Deku we got to defeat Overhaul", said Togata playfully.
"Let's do this", said Aizawa.
After the second game of Overhaul, Todoroki and Eri along with Togata played for the rest of the day.

Like The Brother She Never HadTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang