The Texas Shadow War

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Nomus attacked from everywhere and everyone we're fighting them off.
Todoroki was protecting Eri who was on his shoulders from a high-end nomu until Mr. Coffee jumped in right behind him in a big machine.
"It's time to get burned by coffee", said Mr. Coffee.
"Mr. Coffee, his quirk coffee, he has the ability to spray coffee anywhere at any temperature, it can severely burn someone, but he does have a limited amount of coffee and will take an hour for him to make more", said the narrator.
Mr. Coffee started spraying very hot coffee from the machine at Todoroki.
Todoroki was able block the big squirts of coffee with his ice.
"Sorry but I prefer my coffee cold", said Todoroki.
"You are a cold person", said Mr. Coffee mad.
Jeremy pulled some sort of robot parts out his bag and started quickly putting them together until he saw Todoroki and Eri getting attacked by Mr. Coffee.
Mr. Coffee kept on squirting coffee at Todoroki and some of the hot coffee went through the ice and landed on Todoroki's arm burning him.
Then the high-end nomu was about to strike as the same time Mr. Coffee was until Jeremy caught both the nomus and machines arms with some wires and electrified them.
"Hurry, get Eri out of here", said Jeremy.
Todoroki took Eri to Togata.
"Hurry take Eri somewhere safe", said Todoroki handing Togata Eri.
"What about you", said Togata.
"I'll be okay, just get her out of here", said Todoroki.
Togata ran to a safe spot with Eri and tried to find the exit.
"Will Shoto be okay", asked Eri worried.
"He'll be okay, he's one of the most powerful kids in his class", answered Togata.
Togata found the opening on top of the rubble.
"There's the opening".
Togata attempted to climb up to the opening until a nomu grabbed his leg.
They both screamed until Iida ran up and kicked the nomu off.
"Go get help quick", said Iida.
Togata climbed out with Eri and went to find some pro heroes.
Meanwhile, Todoroki was cornered by the high-end nomu and Mr. Coffee.
"Let's get this done", said Mr. Coffee.
"Before Mr. Coffee was able to squirt his hottest coffee, Deku 20 percent Delaware smash air forced the back of his machine giving it critical damage.
"Leave him alone coffee machine", yelled Deku.
"How dare you, do you have any idea how much this thing costs", yelled Mr. Coffee furious.
Endeavor leaped on the high-end nomu and burned it giving it some damage.
"Run Shoto I got this one", said Endeavor.
Until then, a warp gate opened by Kurogiri and four members of the league of villains, Dabi, Toga, Spinner and Twice showed up through the warp gate.
"Oh yeah the Texas Shadow is rising", said Spinner.
"It's about time this guy gets his necessary quirk", said Twice.
"Of course he did, he's told us he's got rewind", said Toga excitedly.
"Come on guys, let's get em", said Dabi.
"For the Texas Shadow", yelled Spinner.
The league of villains then started to attack.
"Aw crap, now the league of villains are here now", said Kirishima.
"I wanna go home this just keeps getting worse", said Kaminari panicking.
Then Shigaraki walked out of a warp gate on top of a giant lead pipe for a front row seat.
"Now I can watch Simon destroy the next All Might, Deku", said Shigaraki.
"He actually seams interested in Todoroki for what I've seen", said Kurogiri.
"We was after one for all until he realized he can't have it, so he's bound to destroy Deku", said Shigaraki.
Todoroki and Deku were seen fighting Mr. Coffee.
Todoroki used his ice to freeze Mr. Coffee's machine then Deku 20 percent Detroit smashed the machine apart causing Mr. Coffee to jump off.
"My machine, you guys are going to pay for that", said Mr. Coffee furious.
Mr. Coffee sprayed a large amount of scolding hot coffee at Deku and Todoroki.
"Midoriya get behind me", said Todoroki.
Deku ran behind Todoroki.
Todoroki used his ice to block Mr. Coffee's spray of hot coffee and they both kept on spraying at each other.
A nomu ran towards Deku and Deku used 20 percent Delaware smash on the nomu giving it damage.
The nomu was still standing and charged at Deku.
"Oh no, full cowl, 20 percent DETROIT SMA..", yelled Deku.
Before Deku was able to punch the nomu, Gran Torino jetted in and kicked the nomu off flying close to the ground the into a small pile of rubble.
"Gran Torino", said Deku.
"Glad I made it, or you could've been cornered", said Gran Torino.
"How did you know how to get here", asked Deku.
"That Lemillion kid told any pro hero he could find that are not hospitalized", answered Gran Torino.
Soon, many pro heroes dropped in including the remaining wild wild pussycats, Fat Gum agency, Nighteye agency, etc, fought the nomus and the league of villains.
Mr. Coffee and Todoroki were both reaching their limit where Todoroki was suffering frostbite and Mr. Coffee was running out of coffee.
Then Bakugo was flying in the air and exploded Mr. Coffee out of the blast collision.
Mr. Coffee blasted his remaining coffee at Bakugo severely burning him.
"KACHAAN", yelled Deku.
Todoroki used his ice to freeze Mr. Coffee still.
Until then, Mr. Coffee was sitting in ice out of coffee.
"OW THAT BURNS", yelled Bakugo.
Simon finally entered the battlefield and battled a couple of pro heroes.

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