Simon's Origin

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Simon took Eri to his hideout along with Mr. Coffee and the nomus.
Simon sat terrified Eri on his bed ready to take her blood.
"I will now have your blood for your quirk", said Simon.
"Why are you so mean", asked Eri.
"Kleines mädchen, I was born this way", answered Simon.
Eri grew even more terrified.
"Don't you mean invented", asked Eri terrified.
"No I used to be a mensch, perhaps I can tell you my past story of how I became an animatronic", answered Simon.
"Go right ahead master", said Mr. Coffee.
A flashback happened and revealed a human version of Simon and a younger Jeremy.
It started with a 7 year old Simon shaving his hair off and 7 year old Jeremy was looking quite sad.
"Why are you shaving your hair off", asked young Jeremy.
"Because my hair makes me ugly, I wish to not have hair at all", answered young human Simon.
Then there was another moment of Simon stealing a kids blood in school.
"Simon what are you doing", asked young Jeremy terrified.
"I'm getting his blood, I wanted his quirk", answered young Simon.
"But, that's wrong", said young Jeremy.
"I don't care you schnitzel, my quirk was made for this", said young Simon.
There was now human Simon all grown up taking blood away from people for their quirks.
He took blood out of a random man on the roof of a random building.
"Your blood is mine", said human Simon.
"Simon stop", yelled a voice.
Human Simon turned around and saw Jeremy now an adult.
"Please bruder, you had enough quirks", said Jeremy.
"These quirks are useless, that's why I'm collecting this guys blood, his quirk is useful", said human Simon.
"They can tear you apart Simon, please don't do this", said Jeremy.
"Sorry but my mind is made up", said Simon.
"I'm sorry I have to do this to you brother, but you leave me no other option", said Jeremy.
Jeremy had living helicopters made from scraps behind him and charged after human Simon.
Human Simon formed a plasma cannon out of his arm and blasted the helicopters out of his way and no reacting fast enough, Jeremy grabbed human Simon with some sort of wires.
"Simon please end this criminal way, I know you can still change".
"I'm sorry brother but I'm afraid I can't change, I was born this way", said human Simon.
"Fine, if you can't change then I'll just have to imprison you in my house", said Jeremy.
"Never", said human Simon struggling for freedom.
Human Simon broke free from the wires with the plasma cannon and continued to try to shoot Jeremy then he felt some pain from the plasma cannon quirk and then he stepped back and lost his balance on the edge of the roof then fell down in a dumpster.
"Simon", yelled Jeremy out of guilt.
Than a garbage truck came and dumped human Simon in along with the trash and was crushed by the trash crusher severely damaging him.
Jeremy found the body of human Simon all damaged and torn up.
He transferred the organs and the blood containing Simon's main quirk in the purple animatronic skeleton and used some sort of wires to start him up.
Simon now an animatronic skeleton woke up seeing Jeremy.
"Jeremy, what have you done to me", asked Simon.
"I kept you alive by transferring everything in the robotic skeleton so you can still be my brother", answered Jeremy.
"Where's my quirks, especially the plasma cannon", asked Simon confused.
"Sorry, none of them entered your new body but I kept your main quirk", answered Jeremy.
"That's okay cause I can collect even better quirks now", said Simon.
"I'm afraid not", said Jeremy chaining Simon.
"What are you doing", asked Simon.
"I'm afraid I'm going to have to imprison you here so you wouldn't cause anymore damage", answered Jeremy.
"Verdammt", said Simon angerly.
One night, Jeremy found Simon missing and assumed he escaped through the window with it opened.
Simon walked the streets of New Braunfels until he found a coffee machine guy hidding in an alley.
"Hey don't be afraid sir come on out", said Simon.
The coffee machine guy walked out of the dark alley happening to be Mr. Coffee.
"Hello little guy, what's your name"?
"I'm Mr. Coffee sir, don't hurt me I was just running from the police", answered Mr. Coffee scared.
"You were chased by the police", asked Simon.
"Yeah, I robbed a bank", answered Mr. Coffee scared.
"Not bad, there's no need to be afraid, how about you come to Japan with me, there are some people there that have very strong quirks I want to have from them, and I could use an assistant", said Simon.
"Okay sir", said Mr. Coffee.
"Please, call me Simon, or you can call me master", said Simon.
"Okay master", said Mr. Coffee.
"Yes, we can become unstoppable", said Simon.
The flashback ended.
"You're a monster", said Eri.
"I'm used to being called that, now hand over your blood", said Simon.
Simon grabbed her arm and Mr. Coffee hopped around excited.
"Oh boy oh boy it's happening, I can't wait to give him my gift, he's going to love it", said Mr. Coffee excitedly.
A shadow showed up on the wall of Simon taking Eri's blood.

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