Awake From A Coma

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Deku entered the dorms and found everyone irritating Simon.
"What the, Simon is here", asked Deku surprised.
"Yeah, I wanted to keep an eye on him so I brought him here, isn't that right Satan", answered Kaminari.
"It's Simon", said Simon annoyed.
"Well we say Satan, cause that's who you are", said Kaminari.
"Let me go", said Simon angerly.
"No thanks", said Kirishima.
"If only Coffee were here to help me", said Simon.
Deku walked in the living room and sat down on the couch next to Uraraka.
"Iida still in the hospital", asked Uraraka.
"Yeah but he's recovered enough to walk around", answered Deku.
"That's good, how is everyone else", asked Uraraka.
"Endeavor and Selkie just checked out tonight, Edgeshot and Centipeder might check out soon, Gran Torino has gotten better but he's still strolling around in a wheelchair, the doctors said Eri will be released in about two days", answered Deku.
"But how is Todoroki, has he gotten any better", asked Sero.
"A little bit I guess, his fever has slightly gone down but he's still in bad condition", answered Deku holding his bandaged arm.
"When is Todoroki going to wake up", asked Kirishima worried.
"I don't know, the best thing to do is wait I guess", answered Deku.
"We might as well visit him every once in a while", said Yaoyorozu.
"Iida too, don't forget him", said Uraraka.
"Yeah we know", said Kaminari.
Two more days has gone by and everyone went to visit Iida, Todoroki and Eri was about to get checked out of the hospital.
Everyone visited Iida first.
"I see you getting up and walking around", said Uraraka.
"Oh yeah I've been feeling better lately", said Iida.
"Are there anymore people besides Eri that are checking out", asked Asui.
"Oh yeah, Edgeshot and Centipeder are about to check out and so are all the pro heroes that got injured in the last fight", answered Iida.
"So I guess that only leaves you, Gran Torino and Todoroki", said Deku.
"Yeah the three of us together took some of the worst damage", said Iida.
"Hey Midoriya you want to help me and Aizawa check Eri out of the hospital", asked Togata walking in.
"Sure", answered Deku.
"We're going to take a look at Todoroki if you're willing to do that after you're done", asked Iida getting up.
"Sure, I can do that after we get Eri back to U.A., I'll meet you guys there", answered Deku.
"Sounds good", said Iida.
Deku followed Togata and everyone else went to see Todoroki.
When Deku was helping Togata and Aizawa check Eri out of the hospital, Kaminari came running into the lobby.
"Midoriya", yelled Kaminari.
Kaminari tripped and fell when he caught up to Deku.
"Kaminari are you okay", asked Deku.
"Yeah I'm okay, I just wanted to tell you Todoroki just got out of his coma", answered Kaminari excitedly getting up.
"For real", asked Deku excitedly.
"Yeah for real come on", said Kaminari.
"Wait", said Deku.
"Eri, you want to see Shoto"?
"Sure", answered Eri.
"Okay then follow me", said Kaminari excitedly.
Kaminari started to run again.
"Hey no running in the hospital, can't have you tripping again", said a doctor.
"Okay I'll just fast walk", said Kaminari.
Kaminari fast walked and everyone else followed him.
They were one there way until they bumped into Gran Torino bandaged up on a wheelchair.
"Oh hi Gran Torino", said Togata.
"Hey guys I'm just strolling here, well rolling in this case, where are you guys headed", asked Torino.
"We're on our way to Todoroki's room, he just woke up from his coma", answered Deku.
"Now this I have to see", said Torino.
"Sure then follow me", said Deku.
"Wait, who are you", said Torino.
"Seriously", said Deku face palming.
Everyone finally reached Todoroki's room and saw everyone else standing in the room seeing Todoroki awake.
They walked further in and finally saw him awake.
"H...hey guys", said Todoroki.
Deku started crying with tears of joy.
"Oh Todoroki, your awake", said Deku crying.
"I know I'm glad to see you too", said Todoroki.
"Aren't we all", said Iida.
"Never scare me like that again please I was so worried sick about you", said Deku in tears.
"It's okay Midoriya, I'm alive", said Todoroki.
"Shoto I see you have gotten better", said Endeavor feeling Todoroki's forehead.
"Get your hand off me", said Todoroki fiercely.
Endeavor took his hand off of Todoroki and backed away.
"Wow, even when he's badly injured he can still be hostile", said Kirishima.
"I pledged myself to stay until you can see me again, now that has happened it's about time I take Simon with me and head back to Texas", said Jeremy.
"It was nice to see you again, I wish you luck with Simon", said Todoroki.
"Don't worry he won't be escaping again, he's too dismantled to do anything now", said Jeremy.
"I've heard the way you fought Simon by Fitzgerald here, that was crazy but I like how you faced your fear just to save a little child", said Gran Torino.
"That was very heroic of you Todoroki, but I will still have to punish you for fighting without a license, your house arrest is extended to five days now", said Aizawa.
"I saw that coming, by the way I didn't just face my fear, I actually conquered it, I'm not afraid of Simon anymore", said Todoroki.
"Neither am I", said Eri showing herself.
Eri walked up to Todoroki.
"Here Eri you need a boost", said Togata helping Eri on a stool.
Todoroki was able to see Eri and smiled.
"Hi Eri", said Todoroki.
"Hi Shoto", said Eri.
"We'll leave you two alone come on guys", said Jeremy.
Everyone left the room leaving only Eri and Todoroki.
"Did you really defeat Simon for me", asked Eri.
"That's what a brother figure does, I'm glad to see you're okay", answered Todoroki.
"Thank you for rescuing me", said Eri.
"No problem, Simon shouldn't be able to hunt us down anymore, Midoriya and I damaged him good", said Todoroki.
"Our nightmare is gone forever, thanks to you", said Eri happily.
"You did some help too Eri, Midoriya would of been injured like me if it wasn't for you", said Todoroki.
"I still wish I could heal you too", said Eri.
"It's okay, I just thought it was safer if you just heal one person", said Todoroki.
"Here I wanted to give you this", said Eri giving Todoroki a teddy bear of himself.
"Awww, he looks just like me", said Todoroki.
Todoroki started crying tears of joy.
"Shoto what's wrong are you in pain", asked Eri.
"I do feel pain in my body, but I'm crying mainly because this gift is just too beautiful", said Todoroki crying.
"I'm glad you liked it, I can't wait until you get better, you're like the big brother I never had", said Eri.
Todoroki smiled with joy.
"Thank you Eri", said Todoroki.

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