Scares Of The Past

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It was the next morning and Todoroki was on his way to U.A. in his hero costume.
As he was walking down the street something has caught hold of him.
It was Simon along with Mr. Coffee.
"I am rising Shoto, I can tell you have a verbindung with the mädchen, but you will fail her once I get my hands on her", said Simon.
Todoroki breathed heavily as he grew scared.
"What's the matter, you still scared of me, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha".
"I will not fail her, she will remain free from her dark past, and from you", said Todoroki nervously.
"We'll see who's right, I see a bloody future in you", said Simon.
Todoroki had a stunned look on his face.
"Yeah you have no chance against Simon", said Mr. Coffee.
"Just leave me alone you demon, Eri said I was like the brother she never had and I'm not going to let her down", said Todoroki nervously.
"So, you are like a big brother figure, how fitting since you guys have many things in common", said Simon.
"Very fitting indeed", said Mr. Coffee.
"We are bound to fight one day, aren't we", asked Todoroki.
"Yes, but be careful, I have collected more quirks lately", answered Simon.
"Let's get going master, you must practice those powers", said Mr. Coffee.
"Indeed, but one more thing to you Shoto", said Simon.
"What", asked Todoroki.
"Du bist verflucht, das Mädchen gehört mir, als Bruderfigur bist du ein Versager", said Simon.
"What did you say", asked Todoroki.
"I just put a curse on you", answered Simon.
Todoroki was stunned in fear as Simon and Mr. Coffee walked away.
He was about to grow furious but calmed himself down.
"Don't hold a grudge Shoto, just keep moving", said Todoroki's thoughts.
Todoroki decided to continue walking to U.A.
When Todoroki walked in he saw Togata with Eri.
"Whoa Todoroki, why are you in your hero costume", asked Togata.
"In case that Simon appears", answered Todoroki.
"Okay but you don't have your license", said Togata.
"Aizawa told me to not attack Simon but to defend Eri and myself", said Todoroki.
"Speaking of Aizawa, he's on his way back from the emergency room and he needs my help", said Togata.
"Wait what happened", asked Eri.
"Eri how about you play with your teddy bear in the teachers lounge", said Togata.
"Okay", said Eri.
Eri walked to the teachers lounge.
"I'll meet you there Eri", said Todoroki.
"I saw the news last night and several pro heroes had gotten injured by Simon, this is bad", said Togata.
"Does that include Aizawa", asked Todoroki.
"Yeah, he got a bit of damage in his arm", said Togata.
"That's just great, Simon can get past the pro heroes and now he's grown possibly more powerful, one of my childhood nightmares is happening all over again", said Todoroki's thoughts.
"I was going to have to take Eri with me but since you're here do you think you can take care of her", asked Togata.
"Sure, Eri was the reason I came here in the first place", said Todoroki walking to the teachers lounge.
Togata walked out of the building.
Eri was in the teachers lounge with a worried look on her face.
Todoroki walked in.
"Hey Eri", said Todoroki happily.
Eri grew nervous thinking Todoroki was Simon but found out he wasn't Simon.
"It's okay Eri, it's me Shoto".
"Sorry, I thought you were...", said Eri.
"You thought I was Simon", said Todoroki.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you", said Eri.
"It's okay, I understand your fear, cause I'm afraid of Simon too", said Todoroki.
"You are", asked Eri.
"Yeah, he has scared me as a child and I can remember those purple eyes to today, he has really scarred me deep down", answered Todoroki.
"Shoto, is this why you have been coming over", asked Eri.
"Simon is now one of the reasons, but my main reason is to keep you out of your dark past", answered Todoroki.
"Really", asked Eri.
"I haven't gotten out of my past until the sports festival, Midoriya inspired me to use my fire but at certain points I still hold these scares, psychologically and physically", answered Todoroki showing his scar.
"I didn't want you to end up like me Eri".
Todoroki had a sad look on his face until Eri hugged his leg.
"You make me happy Shoto, and I know you won't fail me no matter what", said Eri.
Todoroki felt heavy in his chest after what Eri said.
"Those words are heavy, especially if I want to believe it's true", said Todoroki's thoughts.
Todoroki knelled down and hugged Eri.
"I like your outfit", said Eri.
"Thank you, it's my hero costume", said Todoroki.
"I think your costume is beautiful, I even like the cans hanging from your belt", said Eri.
"Those are medical supplies for in battle, try not to play with those they're not a toy", said Todoroki.
"I can keep that promise", said Eri.
"So you want to learn the lyrics of the itsuki lullaby", asked Todoroki.
"Yes please", answered Eri excitedly.
"Okay just let me write it down on a piece a paper for you so you can learn the words", said Todoroki.
Meanwhile, the mysterious man knocked on the class 1A dorm door.
"Someone's at the door", said Sero.
"I got it", said Kaminari.
Kaminari opened the door and saw the mysterious man.
"Hallo young man, may I come in, I have to talk about Simon with you guys", asked the man.
"Yes sir", answered Kaminari.
The man walked in.
"Guys we have a visitor"!
Meanwhile, Simon was practicing every quirk he developed.
"You're getting good master, especially with the icyhot powers", said Mr. Coffee.
"Thank you Coffee, if only I had rewind to undo my damage", said Simon.
Simon felt pain as his heart monitor was acting strange.
"My heart monitor is at it again, I need to rest".
"Are you sure your quirk is built for other quirks", asked Mr. Coffee worried.
"It is Coffee, but other quirks can have a habit of damaging your body, like all of these ones combined, but if I have the mädchen's quirk, I can undo the damage, all I need now is a healing quirk and rewind will do the trick", answered Simon.
"Well maybe we should go try to take her blood tonight", said Mr. Coffee.
"Tonight", asked Simon.
"Why yes, when it gets dark, we kidnap the girl, bring her here, and you take her blood", answered Mr. Coffee.
"That sounds good but how are we going to get past those heroes", asked Simon.
"Come on Simon you were strong enough to beat down those heroes last night, and you have some of their quirks", answered Mr. Coffee.
"Yeah but there were so many of them, they overwhelmed me even if I can easily defeat them", said Simon.
"Yeah, that's why I hired some special creatures from the league of vilians", said Mr. Coffee.
Mr. Coffee whistled and some nomus appeared out of nowhere, some high-end nomus too.
"Nomus, how did you get these", asked Simon.
"I had a talk with Shigaraki the current leader of the league of villains, he was impressed after I explained everything about you so he decided to send you some minions", answered Mr. Coffee.
"No way, Mr. Coffee you are amazing", said Simon happily.
"I'm not even done yet, Shigaraki said if you succeed on getting the girls quirk he can let us in with the league of villains", said Mr. Coffee.
"We can become members of the league of villains, oh Coffee what can I do without you, this is a start to becoming the new All For One", said Simon happily.
"Just get some rest and we'll get that girl tonight", said Mr. Coffee.
"Will do Coffee, will do", said Simon.
"Be prepared tonight guys, we have a mädchen to kidnap tonight".

Pro heroes that were injured:
Gang Orca
Crimson Riot
Fourth Kind

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