Shoto vs Simon

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There were ambulances and police cars everywhere and several pro heroes on stretchers.
The ones on stretchers were Gran Torino, Iida, Bakugo because of the coffee burns, Centipeder and Selkie.
Others who got hurt are being treated on the streets including Deku.
Eri ran to Deku.
"Deku are you okay", asked Eri hugging Deku.
"Don't worry I'm okay, my arm is just a little broken", answered Deku.
"A lot of people took some injuries", said Kaminari who was beaten by a nomu but was still standing.
"Yeah we're going to the hospital too, there's just isn't enough stretchers for everyone", said Kirishima also beaten but still standing.
"Wait where's Shoto", asked Eri worried.
"Eri, I'm afraid he stayed behind with my brother", answered Jeremy.
Eri had a scared look on her face.
"SHOTO", yelled Endeavor scared.
"Don't worry he's going to be okay", said Togata.
"Maybe not, Simon's grown too powerful even for some of the top ten heroes, however some of my robot army is still down there but they may not do much", said Jeremy.
"Why would you say that, I gotta go back down there and....", said Endeavor.
Endeavor felt sharp pain in his arm to his torso.
"You're too injured by the nomu and Dabi, you need to rest", said Aizawa.
"I'm worried about Todoroki, he could die down there", said Kirishima.
"I hope not", said Deku.

Again the music in case you want to picture this fight with it, but might want to read the battle first.

Meanwhile Todoroki was fighting Simon in the ditch while the ceiling was shifting.
Simon shot fire and explosions and Todoroki was defending himself with ice.
Simon jetted everywhere again and used a combination of Hawks' razer sharp wings and electrification and tried to strike Todoroki.
Todoroki used his ice lift himself up then when Simon slice the ice apart Todoroki dove down and used his fire on Simon at the same time punching into him.
Simon grabbed Todoroki's right arm and crushed it with his hardened hand.
Todoroki was feeling really bad pain in his arm but still attempted to burn Simon with his left side.
Simon's hardening was reaching the time limit but he had another plan.
He used electrification to electrocute Todoroki and knocked him off with a jet round house to the face.
Todoroki stumbled and slid on the ground but he stood back up.
Simon than used foresight to know Todoroki's next moves.
Todoroki surfed around Simon as Simon followed his eyes around.
Todoroki shot a wall of flames at Simon.
Simon saw it coming with foresight and barely escaped the attack using the wings ,jet and blast rush turbo combined to fly himself on the air.
Todoroki used fire again to hit Simon.
Simon dodge and flew in the air and combined AP Shot and electrification and shot an electrifying blast beam on Todoroki.
Todoroki used heaven piercing ice wall despite the pain he's feeling in his arm to defend himself but Simon's blast went through the ice and hitted Shoto critically damaging him.
Todoroki was sliding backwards on his feet then used ice to slow himself down.
Simon used rewind on himself and saw Todoroki was still standing but took a lot of damage around his body and his right arm.
"You're still standing", said Simon surprised.
"You're pretty tanky but I've got a lot more up my sleeve than you think".
Simon charged a combination of red gauntlet, flashfreeze heatwave, explosions and electrician and dove down supper fast on Todoroki with wings combined with jet.
Todoroki used ice to defend himself but felt sharp pain in his arm while using it so he struggled.
"This is going to hurt", said Todoroki's thoughts.
Simon landed multiple very fast punches from the jet quirk with the red gauntlet, flashfreeze heatwave, explosions and electrification combined through the ice onto Todoroki burning, freezing, exploding and electrocuting him at the same time giving him extreme pain.
One final punch was landed and Todoroki was sent sliding and stumbling on the ground then layed there severally injured but surprisingly survived but barely.
"Pathetic, you're the son of the number one hero and you went down so easy by my attacks", said Simon.
"I'm...not.... giving up", said Todoroki struggling to get up.
"You might as well surrender, you are lying on the ground damaged by me", said Simon.
The remaining robotic Texian army and teutonic knights landed an ambush on Simon.
Simon froze than exploded most of them then on big robotic teutonic knight wrestled Simon to the ground.
Simon blocked the sword swings from the knight and punched it into pieces with the remaining time Simon had with the hardening quirk.
Todoroki got back up from the ground struggling to stand but stood on his feet.
"Looks like you're ready for another round", said Simon.
"Come at me with all you got", said Todoroki.
"Of course I will", said Simon.
Simon used erasure to cancel out Todoroki's attacks and used sonic wave on Todoroki paralyzing him.
Then he jetted around Todoroki and used explosions on him giving him further damage.
Todoroki dropped on the ground feeling extreme pain and was still getting hit.
He then saw a sword on the ground and threw it at Simon.
Simon was hit by the sword but didn't go through him, but that did stopped Simons attacks and erasure.
"Sorry but throwing things isn't going to work on me", said Simon.
"But this will", said Todoroki.
Todoroki used ice but felt severe pain on his right side and froze Simon to the ground then he used fire on Simon burning him and Simon actually took moderate damage, but still stood on his feet.
"Owww, that burns bad", said Simon.
"My right side is too damaged to use it all the time, I will have to alternate to fire", said Todoroki's thoughts.
Todoroki used fire again and Simon blocked it with hardening once again than used AP Shot: machine gun and electrification combined at Todoroki.
Todoroki used his ice this best he can but only formed a small amount.
That attack went through the ice and sent Todoroki stumbling and sliding on the ground again.
The rubbled ceiling shifted than some of it fell along with some big pipes and landed on Todoroki crushing him.
Todoroki was breathing heavily and panting in pain as Simon walked up to him and knelled down.
"It looks like you're done now, it's about time I put you out of your misery", said Simon about to punch Todoroki with red gauntlet.
Todoroki prepared for the impact until something hitted Simon on the back.
It was Deku using 20 percent delaware smash air force.
"Midor...iya", said Todoroki in serious pain.
"I couldn't let you face Simon alone, so I came to help", said Deku.
"How dare you spoil my moment you schnitzel", said Simon furious.
"I couldn't let my friend die", said Deku.
Simon leaped at Deku with jet than Deku used his good arm and landed a hundred percent Detroit smash on Simon sending him flying away.
Deku's arm was broken from the punch but he was able to help the injured Todoroki out of the rubble.
"Alright let's take down Simon once and for all", said Todoroki getting up.
Todoroki struggled to stand up and he stood up on his feet but felt like collapsing and was trembling.
"Todoroki you're injured", said Deku.
"You too Midoriya, but we're going to fight until he's defeated", said Todoroki.
"That's what I do all the time, come on Simon show yourself", said Deku.
Simon came back using Hawks' wings.
"No problem I can take on two", said Simon.
Deku and Todoroki were prepared for battle.

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