I Forgive You

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Class 1A in their hero costumes and Jeremy arrived at U.A. that was damaged by the nomus and Simon.
"Oh man this looks bad", said Sato.
"Where's Todoroki", asked Deku.
"Maybe he's inside", answered Yaoyorozu.
Everyone ran in and ran through the halls on each floor.
"Todoroki", yelled Iida.
"Todoroki where are you", yelled Kaminari in Iida's ear.
"Really, in my ear", said Iida sterned.
"Oh sorry about that", said Kaminari.
"Wait I might know where he is, follow me", said Deku running.
Everyone followed Deku to the teachers lounge and found Endeavor and Aizawa being slightly healed by Recovery Girl in the hallway.
"What happened here", asked Kirishima.
"Bad things", answered Aizawa.
Deku saw the broken window.
"Guys, I think this is where Simon made his escape", said Deku.
"Through the window", asked Uraraka surprised.
"He did, but what's worse is that he has grabbed Eri with him", answered Aizawa.
"DAMMIT, HE GOT AWAY WITH HER", yelled Bakugo angerly.
"Who is this guy", asked Endeavor looking at Jeremy.
"Jeremy Fitzgerald, or by my hero name Fritz Glade, you don't know me because I'm not from around here and I haven't contacted with many people until Simon actually started doing some damage", answered Jeremy.
"He's a pro hero from New Braunfels Texas", said Sero.
"I see", said Endeavor.
"Now that Simon sure did put a huge dent in use all, especially Todoroki", said Recovery Girl.
"Where is he", asked Deku.
"He's in there, he wasn't too happy after Simon escaped with Eri", answered Aizawa pointing into the teachers lounge.
Deku opened the door and saw Todoroki on his knees very depressed.
"Todoroki are you okay", asked Deku.
Todoroki heard Deku but didn't respond.
"Do you need a hug buddy", asked Kirishima.
"I failed her", mumbled Todoroki saddened.
Todoroki started shedding tears and slammed the floor with his fist out of frustration and sadness.
"I couldn't save her".
"Oh my gosh he's crying, he's actually crying", said Iida feeling bad.
Todoroki started crying as everyone felt saddened by his defeat.
Deku walked to him and putted his hand on Todoroki's back.
"I've always new Todoroki had a broken spirit before but I,ve never seen him this upset before, usually I'm the one breaking down crying", said Deku's thoughts.
"Don't worry, we'll... we'll look for her", said Deku comforting Todoroki.
"What's the point, my main goal was to keep Simon from reaching her blood and then he took her away right out of my eyes, I failed her", said Todoroki crying.
"I warned you this might happen", said Jeremy.
"Not helping Fitzgerald", said Iida.
Deku hugged Todoroki out of comfortness.
"It's okay, we can still save her", said Deku.
"He's probably already tooken her blood, I don't see how that would make me feel any better", said Todoroki sobbing.
"Todoroki it's not the end of the world", said Deku.
"Shoto, I have a question for you", said Endeavor.
"What", asked Todoroki sniffing.
"What do you care about more, your goal, or the girl", asked Endeavor.
Todoroki settled down.
"I made the goal to keep Eri out of darkness, but that probably has been destroyed now thanks to Simon, when I hanged out with Eri I loved her like a little sister, so much that I didn't want anything bad to happen to her, so probably both", said Todoroki sobbing.
"I can see that, I'm sure Eri can forgive you, and you're not the only one who made this promise", said Aizawa.
"I also made the promise to protect Eri, and that backfired on me too".
"Simon has become too powerful, I believe the Texas Shadow has risen in Japan now", said Jeremy.
"Okay let's go find Eri and defeat the Texas Shadow", said Iida.
"But where is Simon's hideout", asked Kaminari.
"Jeremy do have any idea where your devilish brother could be", asked Deku.
"I actually have no clue where he could be, I've been trying to find his hideout for years now but I still couldn't find him", answered Jeremy.
"I might have an idea where where he could be", said Togata running down the hallway.
"Wait you know where he is", asked Kirishima.
"Oh yeah I saw him with Eri going down some sort of rubble site in a ditch", said Togata.
"Okay take us to that place", said Deku.
"Sure can do follow me", said Togata.
Togata ran and everyone followed him.
Deku helped Todoroki up and walked him out into the hallway following everyone else.
Meanwhile, Mr. Coffee was giving Simon a gift.
"Well Simon, for being a wonderful master and collecting all the quirks you want, I decided to give you this", said Mr. Coffee handing Simon some sort of cape.
"Is this a cape", asked Simon excitedly grabbing the cape.
"It sure is, and look at the symbol", answered Mr. Coffee.
Simon dropped the bottom of the cape down showing the black eagle Germany coat of arms with Texas in the background colored yellow.
"It's amazing, in fact I kinda got you the same thing as an honor for being my assistant", said Simon giving Mr. Coffee a cape.
"You got me a cape too", asked Mr. Coffee excitedly.
"I sure did mein freund, and look at your symbol", said Simon dropping down the cape showing a coffee cup symbol.
"That's perfect, it fits my name", said Mr. Coffee happily grabbing the cape.
They both putted their capes on and Eri sneaked behind them trying to escape.
Simon turned around and saw Eri escaping.
"Bewegen Sie nicht", yelled Simon.
Eri stopped and grew scared.
"Did you think you could escape from use", said Mr. Coffee.
"No", said Eri nervously.
"Now go sit back down on that bett would you", said Simon strictly.
Eri sat back down on the bed until Iida kicked down the door.
"Wow what a dump", said Iida.
"Hey not cool", said Mr. Coffee sterned.
"Yeah why did you kick down the tür", asked Simon mad.
"Tour", asked Iida confused.
"No I said door in german", answered Simon angerly.
"You know what forget it we're here to rescue Eri", said Iida.
Everyone else walked up behind Iida.
"How did you find my hideout", asked Simon.
"That doesn't matter, release Eri this instant", said Deku.
Simon slightly spotted Todoroki sobbing behind Deku.
"Wait a minute, who you you have behind you broccoli boy ", asked Simon.
"Uhhhh", said Deku.
"Okay I'll come out", said Todoroki.
Todoroki stepped out in front of Iida and Deku.
Jeremy than came next to Deku.
"Well well well, not only do I see half n half again but also my twin brother, Jeremy", said Simon.
"How could you take blood from a child brother", asked Jeremy.
"Because she has rewind, do I have to answered this a thousand times", answered Simon rudely.
"That's not the point, you caused a tear in this boys heart because you took blood out of a little girl he loved so much", said Jeremy pointing to Todoroki.
"That boy always had a tear in his heart, don't come entirely blaming me for his depression", said Simon rudely.
"Let her go Simon", said Todoroki.
"Of course I can, but would she want to go back to you after you failed your promise to protect her, I already took her blood", said Simon.
"Why you.... You demon", said Jeremy sterned.
"Call me all you want, I'm just too happy to see someone fail his promises, let's face half n half, you're nothing but a sorry excuse for a brother figure, and not just a brother figure but also a sorry excuse for a student, you're even a sorry excuse for a pro hero", said Simon.
Todoroki dropped on his knees crying and Eri felt angry at Simon.
"That's a lie", said Deku.
"Is it", asked Simon.
"Well let's see what Eri thinks", said Deku.
"Okay Eri, do you forgive Shoto for failing to protect you", asked Simon.
Eri stood up and walked to Todoroki.
"This outta be good", said Mr. Coffee.
"Just wait until she blows up in his face", said Simon.
But instead Eri hugged Todoroki and sang him the itsuki lullaby.
"Odoma iya iya,
Naku ko no mori nya.
Naku to iwarete uramareru,
Naku to iwarete uramareru", sang Eri.
Todoroki calmed his crying and started singing along with Eri.
"Nenne shita ko no
Kawaii sa, muzo sa.
Okite naku ko no tsura niku sa.
Okite naku ko no tsura niku sa", sang Eri and Todoroki both.
"Aww that's adorable", said Kaminari.
"You've learned the lyrics", asked Todoroki.
"Yeah I practiced before Simon kidnapped me", answered Eri.
"What, but he failed you", said Mr. Coffee.
"No he didn't, because I can never stay in darkness anymore no matter what happens, all thanks to the people who looks after me, especially Shoto", said Eri.
"You still like me", asked Todoroki.
"Of course, you're like the big brother I never had because you came here for me", said Eri.
"I'm sorry I couldn't save you in time", said Todoroki.
"Don't worry, I'm used to having blood taken out of me, Simon only wanted a pint, Overhaul took more blood out of me than Simon did", said Eri.
"I'm so happy you still love me", said Todoroki hugging Eri.
Everyone cheered.
"You just spoiled our moment", said Mr. Coffee upset.
"And for that it's now time for the new All For One to rise", said Simon.
Simon charged up explosion and punched everyone out of his little shack out into the rubble ditch area.
"It's time for the Rise of the Texas Shadow, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha".
Nomus came from everywhere and everyone was ready to battle.

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