My Future

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Katsuki comes home smiling.

It's not an unnatural occurrence as his friend is usually quite a bit happier these days with Izuku around. Shouto honestly couldn't thank that freckled moron enough for taking such good care of his baby---taking such good care of his heart. Katsuki deserved this happiness. He deserved to walk around smiling every day, that extra skip in his step.

After all that he's been through, Katsuki deserved to fuckin' live.

But this smile, Shouto notes, is different.

He can't quite place his finger on it but there's a certain glow that Katsuki has about him. It's not like the one he usually has after spending a weekend at Izuku's all fucked, fed, and well-rested---no; this is something else entirely. He's beaming at Shouto like pure, unadulterated sunshine. It's contagious, tugging at Shouto's lips until he's grinning from ear to fucking ear.

At first, he'd wondered if maybe Katsuki had just adopted a pet that he was hiding and didn't want Shouto to know about---he's done it before so Shouto wouldn't put it past him. Then he remembers that Katsuki had also met Izuku's parents this last weekend so maybe he'd been ecstatic about winning over the favor of Izuku's mom and dad. There could have been so many reasons for him to be floating around the penthouse like he's walking on air; Shouto's not got the time or patience to try and guess which one is the right one.

Never would he have guessed it was due to the massive, monster of a diamond ring donned on his manicured little hand.

It had nearly blinded Shouto when Katsuki had wordlessly shown it to him, accidentally having caught a glimmer of sunlight from a window nearby. Shouto had held Katsuki's hand up close in awe, telling him how beautiful it was and jokingly asking if Izuku had gone and popped the question.

The silence he received in lieu of his usually snarky commentary had Shouto's heart jumping right up into his throat.

" fucking way; you're joking." He accuses, even though Katsuki hadn't verbally said anything. His smile just widens, cheeks painted a happy and healthy pink as Shouto squeals and jumps up from the sofa to tackle Katsuki into an excited hug that nearly knocks the wind from him. Katsuki had been worried that maybe Shouto wouldn't have taken the news so well---he and Izuku are moving rather fast in their relationship, after all---but to see how over the moon with happiness Shouto is for him?

He's so lucky to have someone who loves him this much.

"Oh, baby...I'm so happy for you."

Katsuki squeezes Shouto back, not ready for him to let go.

"Thank you. I was worried you'd be mad. I don't know if I would have been able to go through with this without you, you know."

Shouto snorts and though Katsuki can't see it, he can tell that the taller man is rolling his eyes at him. "How could I ever be angry about this when you look so happy? I've never seen you smile so much. I've never seen you thriving like this. And regardless of how I would have reacted, you should hold your happiness above everything else. That includes my own personal feelings." He says, pulling back just enough to look Katsuki in the eyes. The blonde shakes his head, resting his forehead against Shouto.

"I could fall in love with a million and one different bastards in my lifetime; there's only one you. And if being in love means being without you then I'd rather not have it at all."

Shouto offers a fond shake of his head, leaning forward to press a kind and gentle kiss to Katsuki's temple.

"Did you just quote me at me to make a point?"

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