Some Random Facts

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As I was brainstorming for ideas for Part 14, I thought about doing a little fun stuff about myself :)

My first name is Lindsey, and I go by she/her

I was born under the star sign Gemini, in the month of June.

My favorite foods are beef stew, pasta, and egg rolls

My MBTI type is ISTJ and I remember when I first learned, I was really interested about it. I still am, and read about my personality every so often. Sometimes I would feel really called out too.

Some of my hobbies include reading, cooking/baking, watching anime, and scrapbooking occasionally. I remember making a scrapbook page for an anime character once a day for two entire months last year, so my book would be all filled. I also created spreads for my friends for Christmas as well.

My favorite subjects are literature and history. My favorite book series will always be Harry Potter. I'm a Ravenclaw for life.

I'm more of a night owl than an early bird, and can never sleep at my normal bedtime.

My favorite places include Barnes and Noble, the library, Ikea, Panera, Sharetea, etc.

I love fantasy and mystery novels the most.

I also like reading Webtoons, and my favorites are The Remarried Empress and My Deepest Secret. (I hate trashta and sovieshu by the way.) (edit: AND SEASONS OF BLOSSOM JAEHYEON MY BELOVEDD)

(f/n) was inspired by my best friend and myself. I actually introduced her to anime back in September.

To be honest, I didn't like how some (y/n)'s in readerxcharacter stories were always stuttering, nervous, and shy. I also disliked when they were considered "straw-colored hair and blue orbs." Because I'm over here with straight dark brown hair and boba pearl eyes. So I guess for this story, I wanted to change things up a bit and add a little bit of a different personality into (y/n). And add hair, eye, favorite food, color preferences of course.

I played piano since I was 4, and tennis since I was 7. They're both strangely therapeutic activities.

For some reason, I used to really like building mechanical stuff. Like back then I had this hobby in creating machines, such as desk lamps, spinning calendars, etc.

I'm pretty talented with my google slides. If you know me, I create presentations about anything, like over ships, memes, and other stuff. I make them look nice too, with shadow boxes, orlittle doodles here and there. I try to vary themes often.

Weird fact is I like solving logic puzzles, such as pictograms, word doublets, and crypto-families.

I wore glasses since 3rd grade and have the worst vision ever. I can't even read words a foot away from me when I don't have my glasses on.

I recently cut my hair to a little past my shoulders because it was getting way too long, reaching my waist.

My favorite animes include Love is War, and Spy x Family.

I actually have a separate library room where I store all my books right next to the living room. I actually used to sleep there when I was younger sometimes, but stopped because it would get so  cold at night.

I have vivid dreams. Very vivid dreams.

I'm Filipino from both my mom and dad's side, and Japanese from just my mom's side.

I sleep with probably three blankets because it's freezing in my room at night.

I baked chocolate peanut butter cupcakes yesterday for myself, and because it was Ray's birthday of course.

One of my worst fears is my classmates finding my wattpad account. My career would have ended.

So these were just some stuff about me! Hope you enjoyed learning a bit about myself.

Also I'm currently writing the new chapter in another draft doc, so this won't be the only update.

Thanks for 31k reads and have an awesome day/night!

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