Couple Moments

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Willie and Alex:

-Alex calls Willie: Wils, Bub, Tweaker, Love, Baby, Bubba, Honey and Zoomy

-Willie likes to call Alex: Al, Lex, Mooshie, Baby, Angel, Handsome, Cutie, Squishy, Hotdog (sorry I forgot this one), and My Alex

-when Alex first saw Willie skating around he thought of the word zoom, so he calls him Zoomy

-Alex's favorite animal are sea bunnies and he likes to say that they are squishy, so Willie started to call him that

-Alex accidentally pronounced the word moose, moosh, so now Willie calls him Mooshie

-Alex was watching Wille "tweaking" with his skateboard so he calls Willie tweaker because of it

-Willie used to play sports so he's strong and likes to pick Alex up, even though Alex thinks he's to heavy

-Alex is very insecure about his weight and looks, so Willie kisses him on his face alot and picks him up to show how wrong he is

-Willis tries to cut his hair constantly, so Alex threw all the scissors out the window, so Willie cant cut his hair

-Alex learned to braid hair, so he always braids Willie's hair

-Alex makes him and Willie flower crowns so that they can match

-they make paper airplanes and have races with them

-Willie got Alex a skateboard so he could learn but Alex broke it kn his first try

-Willie can sing, so he wrote Alex a song and sang it for him

-Willie calls Alex nicknames in different languages

-they dance in the kitchen together while Nirvana plays in the background

-watches the others favorite movie to cheer the other up

-lots of cuddles

-they would get married after only 2 years together

-Alex likes to try to teach Willie how to play drums

-Willie likes to have Alex stand on his skateboard so he can push him around

-Willie writes notes to Alex and leaves them on his drums before gigs

-Alex makes Willie cook him food cause he can't cook for the life of him

-they have a candlelit dinner every Friday night and they go to different places in their city on Mondays

-they like boardwalks and fairs

-they quit going hiking when Alex cried cause he saw a dead snake

-the beach makes Alex insecure about his body, but Willie gives him kisses in the back of his neck to calm his insecurities down

-Alex is gay and Willie is bi

-they have alone time alot because Alex often goes to see Willie at certain meet up spots

-Willie is getting handmade drumsticks with their initials carved into then for Alex on their 6 month

-Alex always gets caught staring at Willie and when Willie brings it up he turns into a blushing mess

-Alex used to take dance lessons, so he dances whenever hes alone, Willie takes videos of him dancing to watch


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