Possibly a maybe

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A/n sorry for not updating loves but I did get an idea. Me and my boyfriend are long distance, him being in Canada and me living in America we can't see eachother at all, I wanted to make a sort of well you'll see ;)
(They're alive and adults btw)

Alex's POV:

"How much longer until I can see you," I asked.

"You know how long, so why do you keep asking," Willie responded.

"What am I not allowed to miss my boyfriend," I joked.

"That's not what I meant dummy, anyways, how's everyone," he asked.

"They're good, I miss you," I said.

"I miss you too...I wish you could've came," Willie started to frown.

"Hey, it was a family thing, you know how I feel about stuff like that," I reminded him.

"I know, I know, but Hawaii is pretty beautiful. I need to take you here sometime," he smiled.

"You guys have been going on vacation there for years, I can't intrude on a family tradition," I stated.

"You are technically apart of the family Alex, you're my boyfriend and soon to be hu, I'm going to see you, and I'll bring you with me next year," he stated.

"What did you say," I asked.

"What do you mean," he hesitated.

"You said 'soon to be' then changed the whole wording," I stated.

"Ugh well surprise is spoiled, you're coming to Hawaii tomorrow, if you want that it is," I nodded.

"It would be nice to go on a family vacation ya know," I smiled sadly.

"I know babe which is why I got you tickets so you could come and hang with my family," he smiled.

**timeskip to him arriving**

I arrived in Hawaii the next day.

*idk how planes work don't attack me*

I walked off the plane and there he was. Willie. The man I love the most.

"Hiii baby," he said smiling.

"Hi," I hugged him, "I missed you."

"I missed you, now come on the others are waiting," he grabbed my hand and dragged me to his jeep.

"Wait others, d-do yo-," I was cut off.

"ALEXXXX," a familiar voice screeched.

I turned around and the band was here.

"OMG, why are you guys here," I asked.

"Well Willie said we could come and here we are," Luke said.

"Okay well we have to get going if we want to get to the beach in time," Willie said.

We all hopped in.


We got to the beach faster than I had expected. It was only half an hour away. Willie's family was already here, so I they were preparing dinner.

"Hey everyone, this is Alex," Willie said.

I greeted everyone, but I realized that he didn't introduce the others.

"Hey you did-," "They already know them Alex," he said. I nodded and went to look around.

As we ate I got to know more about him and his family. Apparently he can surf, and greatly at that.

"Okay everyone. The food was good right," everyone cheered, "now I have a very special speech prepared, so if you will all listen." Willie finished.

"Alex, we've know eachother since we were seventeen and have been together since then. We're almost 26 now. Can you believe. I can't personally, it felt like yesterday I hit you on my board. I can't believe it's been almost 8 years of being through so much together. You going from tour to tour, and me tagging along because you said if I didn't that I wasn't allowed to skate," everyone laughed. But he was right, I just didnt want to tell him I couldn't have gone anywhere with out him.

"Alex. I know that we've had different family experiences, but I hope mine can make up for it for when we welcome you into ours. Alex, my love, will you do me the honor of marrying me," he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring.

"Willie," I sunk down in front of him, "I wanted to ask you that."

I pulled out the ring I got him.

"Does that mean yes," he asked.

"Yes, you idiot,"

Everyone cheered.

Finally a family that accepts me.


Hey. It's been a while huh? Hopefully this makes up for it. Ya know I'm failing school. Thought that was epic. Anyways this should make up for the time I've been gone. Pt.2 is going to be Willie's pov of the engagement. Also I am now going by Ryder. Hopefully you guys like it. I love you all and I'm sorry.


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