What if

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This is going to be in Alex's head as he was discovering he had a crush on Willie. Flashbacks will be in italics and thoughts will have the ' mark around them. Tw: homophobia, panic attacks, a slur

Alex's Pov:

'Oh god...I-I can't'

I left the garage hours ago hoping to see Willie again. I don't want him to leave me. I want him to stay around.

I glanced up at the sky.

"What did I do wrong," I whispered to myself.

I felt rain dropping on my face. Bringing back those memories.

Today was the day. I'm going to tell them. I looked in the mirror. We were having Luke, Reggie and Bobby over so they could help me to come out. The guys were accepting of it but I didn't know how my parents would feel.

Knock knock

I ran downstairs and opened the door. Reggie, Luke and Bobby were there.

"Okay Alex, so how do you want to do this," Bobby asked.

"Maybe I could just tell them or something I-I didn't really think about it," I whispered.

"Okay, but what if we get rainbow balloons, throw them at them and you shout 'I'm gay'," Luke suggested.

"Okay yea uh we can do that I guess," I said.

We started blowing up balloons and finished in about 30 minutes.

"Um, can you guys wait outside after I tell them...incase it ends badly," I asked.

They all nodded.

My parents came home an hour later and we all sat down to eat dinner.

"Um mom...dad I-I have something to tell you guys," I said.

"Yea sweets you can tell us anything," mom responded.

The guys got up and got the balloons ready.

I used my fingers to single them to the the balloons.


They threw them..and I shouted at the same time.

"I'm gay," I yelled.

It felt good to finally say it, but when I looked at my parents face I regretted my decision.

"Boys, can you give Alex and us a moment please," my mom said.

"Yes ma'am," they all walked up stairs to my room.

"Alex. You're joking right, you aren't like that right. We'll try to pray these thoughts away for you honey," my mom told me.

"B-but mom this isn't a phase or something you can change. It's a part of who I am and I'm not gonna let you and dad take that away from me," I yelled.

I started to head upstairs, but my dad pulled me back.

"You listen here fag, this is my house with my rules. And don't yell at your mother, actually no she isn't your mom anymore, because you aren't our son. We dont want people like you to be on this property let alone the world so you and your fairy friends can leave and never come back until you are fixed," he said letting me go.
(I'm so sorry please forgive me:/)

"Fuck you," I mumbled.

He grabbed me and threw me on the floor.

"Looks like I have to teach you some manners," he got ready to punch me.

I braced myself for the hit but it never came.

"Alex run, we got your stuff let's go," Luke said.

I scrambled out from under my dad and ran away.

*flash back over*

I looked around and realized I was still standing in the street.

'Oh...that's nice I guess'

I continued walking before my mind started to wander again.

"Willie might be just like them. I wonder how he would react. Will he accept me. Deny me. Embarrass me. Kiss me. I dont know. But he might just hate me to the point he would want me dead again but what if he doesn't what if-'

"Hey Alex," a familiar voice said.

"Hey Willie," I said, all the thoughts turning to good ones.

Time skip 2 years.

"And that's how I felt about you," I said.

"Alex, you know I would never hurt you or do what those monsters did," Willie said.

I looked at him and smiled.

"I know," I said.

"I love you Alex,"

"And I love you Willie,"


IM SO SORRY FOR THAT IT HURT ME TO WRITE. IT IS SO AWFUL WHAT MANY PEOPLE HAVE TO GO THOUGH WITH UNACCEPTING PARENTS. My step dad hates the fact I'm trans. But if you do get hurt by your parents because of being lgbt or something you cant control try to get help and tell someone. It may seem helpless but once you get out you can live your life without the toxic people. Try to be safe if you cant get help. I love you all and I'm always here for any of you<3


Also this is one of the longest ones yet!!

The Skater And The Drummer: Willex Oneshots Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin