It's always been yes

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No one's POV:

As the sun was setting on Christmas day, one guy looked around to see if someone had arrived yet.

All the other guests were there, the only person that was missing was....Willie. Alex wasn't that calm about it either. He thought something bad had happened to his lover and feared for the worst.

Just as his thoughts were becoming more and more gruesome, the door opened. In walked Willie. Finally he had arrived.

"I'm sorry I'm late, traffic was a nightmare," Willie announced, laughing slightly.

Everyone thought it was odd, since he's a ghost, but no one questioned it. No one except Alex.

"Willie, could I uh talk to you for a bit," Willie nodded, and followed Alex into the hallway.

"I know it wasn't traffic," Alex whispered, "you're a ghost Willie, you couldn't have gotten caught in traffic, so what's going on?"

Willie looked down a bit, then glanced up, and smiled.

"You'll find out later, for now, look up," Alex looked up and saw mistletoe. Just as he was about to say something, Willie grabbed him by the waist and kissed him.

The kiss was over before Alex could react. Willie smiled at him, kissed his cheek then walked off.

*an hour or two later*

As the time neared 9:45, Willie grew more and more nervous. His plan was going as he had hoped it would, but he didn't know if he could follow through with it.

All he felt was pressure. He thought he was going to ruin his relationship by doing this. He glanced at the clock and it was 9:49. 10 minutes until he could possibly ruin everything he wanted forever.

*the time is now 9:59*

"EVERYONE, please gather around," Willie announced.

As a circle formed around him, he noticed Alex wasn't there.

"Luke," he whispered, "where's Alex?"

"He was here just a second ago," they both looked around till they saw him on the balcony.

"Tell everyone it's time," Luke nodded and gathered everyone.

"Ahem, is this spot taken," Alex turned around and saw Willie.

He smiled at his boyfriend and shook his head.Willie tapped him on the shoulder, Alex turned slightly confused.

"Alex, in the 2 years we've been together, I've never been this happy. I've never felt the feelings that I've felt for you and with you before. I want to spend the rest of my death with Alex, will you do me the honor of being my husband," Willie got on his knee and took out a box.

Alex looked down at him, then at the people behind him, and back at Willie.

"Willie, I would love to marry you, but I kinda wanted fo ask you." Willie looked up confused, as Alex pulled out a box and opened it. In the box was a ring.

Willie smiled up at him, "is that a yes then."

"Only if you say yes to me as well," Alex wiped the tears off Willie's face and smiled.

"The answer was always yes," Willie put the ring on Alex's hand and Alex repeated the action to Willie.

Willie hugged Alex, "I couldn't of asked for a better way to end Christmas."

Alex smiled, "me either."

Okay so I forgot that this existed. So here, take this Christmas Special. I apologize as well. I don't have an excuse as to why I haven't updated. But I hope everyone's holidays went well. If you didnt have a good holiday, then I'm sorry. If you have any issues with this chaotic mess then feel free to leave them on the comments or message me privately :)


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