Me ranting abt jatp

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OKAY I really hated Julie in Finally Free. Even though she didn't know how important that day was to Luke, she didn't need to say that to him. I maybe be pissed because Luke is one of my favorite characters. She made up for it though at the performance cause that shit was good. The song is literally so fucking good. I'm watching it rn.

I FUCKING HATE THIS EPISODE TOO. It's so sad. Luke's hair looks greasy in it too. I also think Carlos doesn't deserve an opinion mainly bc he reminds me of my cousin.

Julie lowkey reminds me of myself, I skip school all the time and then lie about what's going on in them.

Obviously I love Willie and Alex's relationship, or else this book wouldn't have been made. But I wish we could have seen Julie and her mom interact. I think it would have been so special. I also really think that Julie understands Luke because of how they both lost their mom's. In different ways ofcourse, but I wish that would have been explored more.

I hate to say it but Dirty Candy is kinda good. Alex dancing with them is my favorite thing too. We need more scenes of Alex dancing in season two. He's really good tbh, coming from someone who did 5 years of dance.

ALSO REGGIE IS SO HOT WTF. As a firm ruke supported, Luke and Reggie would be the hottest couple. When they sing into the same mic facing each other, god. Just kiss already. Also the chemistry between Julie and Luke is so just ugh. Like I want a guy to look at me the way Luke looks at Julie.  I would also love a thing in season two, where Reggie like Luke, but he's dating Julie and there's just a large amount of sad Reggie. It would be great for angst and I need the inspo.

Unsaid Emily makes me shit, cry and throw up all at the same time. It's so sad. I cry about it all the time.

Reggie is so hot. Like I'm okay with him staying single tbh, date me Reggie. I'm available. Love you bby boy.

Julie's dad is so overlooked. He seems like such a nice guy. And he's hot. Also when he's seeing while cooking, it's so cute. I wish him and Reggie could have interacted.

Super jealous of Willie and Alex's relationship. There aren't many gay ppl where I live so that relationship will be hard to find until I leave here.

Luke picking fun af Nick is so cute. And his stupid fucking accent and dance is adorable. When Julie pictures dancing with Luke it's such a cute scene. The song that goes with it is so good as well. The director put his whole directussy in this scene, same with the writers. It's so beautiful. LUKE LOOKS SO GOOD IN THIS SCENE TOO. I'd fight Julie for Luke, I would lose, but it's the thought that counts.

Willie sucks ass in the episode. Breaking Alex's heart. Might have to re-kill him.

Luke makes Reggie question his sexuality so much. Especially in Edge of Great. The part where he kisses his fingers and then puts them on his lips is so gay. Reggie's the definition of gay panic.

Willie should teach Luke how to skate. I think it would be good for everyone if he did.

Younger Bobby was hot.

I will never apologize for this chapter. You all have to deal with me being gay over 3 characters and being jealous of the gay couple.

I hope you like my rants bc there will be more. I hope there's a season two, bc I love this show so much


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