Chapter 12 Bro' is back !

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Taehyung's POV

When I came back home days later after school, I found my mom sitting in the couch in the living room. The TV was turn on but she wasn't watching it. Instead, she was sending some glare at my dad, frowning and crossing her arms on her chest. I guess she's mad.

And knowing my mom, the reason is whether something about business, whether it's because my brother is here.

I past in the living room to greet my parents and my dad smile at me then his eyes came back to the screen of the TV.

Okay, so my dad was smiling, meaning it wasn't about business. So this is...

I left the living room and rush upstairs, almost slamming his bedroom's door.

"Hyung !!" I shout as came in my brother's room. He was unpacking his luggage, his back turning at me and he had earphone so he didn't hear me nor saw me.

That must be the reason why we almost fell in the ground when I jumped on his back but he regain his balance before we fell over.

"Omo Taehyung-ah, don't do that to me. You scared me" he said putting me on the ground and turn to look at me

"I missed you !" I said hugging him tightly

"I missed you too" he said rubbing my back

"Why didn't you told me you came back ?"

"I wanted to surprise you" he said and I smile

"So what are you doing ?" I ask after a moment, sitting on his bed

"I'm unpacking" he said in a duh tone "Wanna help ?"

"Ugh, no thanks" I said and he laugh. What can I say ? I don't even like cleaning my room so cleaning someone else's, even my brother's, never.

"You're back for good ? Or just for holidays ?" I ask in hope

"For good"

"Jinja ?!" I said and he nod.

I just stay there for 20 minutes, watching my brother cleaning his room, until his phone rang.

"Hello ? Yeah... Hum... I'll be there in 15 minutes" he said then he hang out

"You're going somewhere ?" I ask surprised


"Where ?"

"I'll met my friends"

"But you could stay just for dinner..." I pouted

"Anw, I'm sorry, I'll be there after dinner" he said coming toward me and quickly hugging me then he walk toward his closet and put a coat since it's now winter.

"Why don't you eat with us ?"

"Because I have to met my friends. Beside, I'm pretty sure mother doesn't want to see me at dinner"

"Just ignore her. I want to eat with you"

"Next time. I promise"

"You're still mad with mom ?"


"I'm sorry. It's my fault"

"Don't say that. You know it isn't yours" He said giving me a smile "Okay so I'll go now, see you tonight"

"Don't you dare to come too late. I'll be waiting for you" I said and he smiles.

I follow him downstairs where he said bye to dad, not bothering to look at mom then he left.

A Year With You (BTS Fanfiction / BTS Fanfic) Taehyung/VWhere stories live. Discover now