Bonus Chapter 4

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Taehyung's POV

"So... You must have noticed that I was quite busy the days" I started and she nod. "Well, do you know why ?"

She squint her eyes and look at the ceiling, maybe trying to remember the reason.

"I know that you have been hanging out with the guys a lot but I don't know if it was everyday. I also think that you told me what you guys were doing but I don't recall what it was..." she finally said after a minute.

"It's true I have been haning out with them" I confirm.

"You seems to be really close to them now" she said smiling "So close that I'm starting to wonder if I should be jealous" she add and I laugh.

"Don't be jealous about them. You will always come first" I assure her while I stroke her hair.

"I was just kidding you know" she said smiling. A full smile that reach her cheekbone. The kind of smile that harm my heart. A smile that I want to see forever and I would curse at myself if I ever made her sad. "You can spend as much time as you want with your friends"

Sadly... I think this smile won't least for a long moment.

"Yeah... but we didn't hang out to play or chill out" I said and she frown. She open her mouth, about to say something but I continue before she could talk. "Do you remember one day I was there when you woke up at you parent's house ? And then we went on a date"

"You did that a lot of time" she said raising an eyebrow.

"The first time I did that" I precise.

"Wow, it was such a long time ago ! Why are you talking about that ?"

"It was a year ago, few days before you announced that you didn't want to get married"


"Anyway" I said ignoring her comment "Do you remember what we did that day ?"

"Hum... We went outside I think... Hum... what was it ?" She ask out loud but more to herself than to me "Ah ! We went to the park and you made food for us !" She exclaim and snap her fingers.

"Yeah but before that"

"We took your car" she said giving me a weird face as she doesn't get where I want to come to.

"And what did we do in my car ?"

"Arg Oppa I'm starting to have an headache with all your questions. Just tell me what you want to say" she said, rubbing her fronthead.

"One day I took you out on a date, precisely at a park. On our way, we took my car and you asked me if you could put some music" she nod but looks confused. "I don't know why I started singing at this moment but I did. You also asked me what I was thinking about the idea of becoming a singer. You must have say it just like that, without really thinking, but the idea stayed in my mind"

"Omo ! Don't tell me you want to be a singer !" She said, sitting up and clap in her hands. "That would be so cool !"


"But I still don't get why you looked so worried earlier..."

"I've talked about it to the guys. Did you know that Namjoon and Yoongi have been rapping underground ?" I ask and her mouth was wide open.

"WHAT ?!" She exclaim surprised.


"But... But... Namjoon is my best friend ! And Yoongi ! I'm pretty close to him ! Of course not as close than with Namjoon but still... How come I didn't know ? Me. The best friend. How come YOU knew about it. I've known them for a long time while you know them for about only a year..."

"I guess they don't tell you everything..." I said but she's still shocked and... a little bit upset... "You're not mad at them, are you ?" I ask, suddenly feeling guilty. Maybe I should have let Namjoon talk to her first...

"No but I wish I knew"

"It isn't something easy to talk"

"How come ?"

"Well first of all, Namjoon's parents were famous when they were artist. Maybe he wants to do the same things but on his own. Not because of his parent's name"

"Yeah... I get what you mean but... That doesn't mean he would hide it from me as well... Does Yura know about this ?" She wonder

"Yura know about Jin but I don't know if she knows about her brother"

"What about Jin ?"

"Just let me finish okay ?" I demand and she nod. "I had talked about it to the guys. That's when Namjoon-hyung and Yoongi-hyung told me about their hidden activities. I knew that Hoseok was in a crew, but I discovered that he used to rap too"

"What about the others ? Jin, Jimin, JungKook ?"

"I can't determinate if they wanted to become a singer as well but Namjoon had an idea of making a group"

"A group with all of you ?" She ask and I nod.

"Namjoon-hyung, Yoongi-hyung and Hoseok-hyung would be rapper while Jin-hyung, Jimin, JungKook and I would be singer"

"Oh, that's awesome ! So all those day you were busy, you were actually making song with them !" Soomi deduced.

"Not really... We were training to pass an audition at an entertainement"

"Really ?! When is the audition"

"It was this morning..."

"How did it go ?" She ask and I look down.

"Well..." I start


Old Author's Note

Hello my dear readers !

So here you've got half of what was TaeTae hiding to Soomi but I think you can guess the other half.

I know it hasn't been a really big secret but I wanted to play with your mind :p

FYI, there is a high risk that I won't update tomorrow. You know with the new year and all... At the moment I'm writing this it's 10am where I live so there is no chance that I would wake up for that... (I usually wake up around 2pm after every new year party) and I would be too tired to write after I woke up.

A Year With You (BTS Fanfiction / BTS Fanfic) Taehyung/VOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora