Chapter 29 The Trip

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Taehyung's POV

"TaeTae, wake up, we're here" Someone said softly and I felt a gently tap on my head.

I mumble but still open my eyes and lift my head when I realized I was sleeping on Jin's shoulder.

"Already ?" I ask frowning as I take a sight of the surrounding area.

There was a mountain on the right and the street was covered with snow. Some children were playing near the street - actually we couldn't even define where the street end because of the snow - as their parents shout at them to be careful.

Some kids were making a snowball fight, other were making a snowman and other angel. Exactly what Jimin, JungKook and I used to do. Definitely what I call winter holidays.

Well, except for the fact that some adult were trying to put away the snow from the street and old person were grumbling as they tried to walk.

"Well you slept for few hours you know" Jin-hyung said smiling then he open the door and climb out the car. "Come one, we should help them" he continue and I nod.

Unlike what Jimin and Hoseok thought, we didn't talk that much on our way here. Instead, Jin was watching some anime and JungKook and I were playing video games. I always end up loosing against JungKook so I got tired of it and just listen to music. Guess I fell asleep then.

I stretch my arm and my neck then follow Jin outside.

"May I help ?" I ask as Mr. Jeon put out a luggage from the car trunk.

"No, it's okay. It's the last one" he answer and close the car trunk. "You slept well ?" he ask locking the car and start walking toward the chalet.

"Yeah. Where are the other ?" I enquire, remarking that we were the only one outside even though Hoseok's car was parking next to the Jeon's.

"They're already inside, probably unpacking" he shrug.

The door wasn't locked so I just open it and let Mr. Jeon past by me before I close the door, welcoming the warm of the fireplace.

"Omo, Taehyung, aren't you cold ?" Mrs. Jeon ask when we walk in the living room.

"I'm okay" I said smiling, trying to not tremble.

I was only wearing a t-shirt under my coat but it's not like I spend a long time outside.

"I'm making you a coffee" she said frowning and walk out the living room.

"I heard you slept like a baby in the car" Jimin teased me and I turn my head to see all of them sitting around the fireplace, Jimin and Hoseok smirking at me.

"Did not ! I don't sleep like a baby" I pout and they laugh. I roll my eyes and sit next to Jimin. "So, how was your trip ?"

"It was good, while Hoseok was driving, I was listening to music and was on charge to change the radio whenever the song wasn't good"

"You mean singing out loud" Hoseok said raising an eyebrow at Jimin then he look at me "That was so horrible, it's the last time I'm driving with him ! He wouldn't stop singing and when he really enjoyed the song, he was even dancing - more like moving on his seat. He kept disturbing me and I couldn't concentrate on the road !"

Jimin snort and cross his arm on his chest "Firstly, I sing and dance well. Secondly, I wasn't disturbing you, it's not my fault you wanted to dance along with me"

Hoseok was making a shocked face and we all laugh.

I missed the good time.

"Here your coffee" Mrs. Jeon suddenly said and I took the cup she was handing me.

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