Chapter 34 The question

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Soomi's POV

"So... what are we doing now ?" Taehyung ask as we walk away from my college.

It was awkward to see so much students looking at us so I said goodbye to Jiyeun, promised to call her soon then left.

"I don't know about you but I have to work" I said, shrugging.

"I can be with you..." he said, looking down.

"Hmm... I don't think it's a good idea..." I hesitate. Damn, I didn't mean to reject him like that...

"Why ?... We can do our homework together" he offered, looking at me, trying to act like if he wasn't hurt but he was. I could see it in his eyes.

"No, I wasn't talking about homework. I was talking about working"

"Yeah... I know" he said, narrowing his eyes.

"Working as in part-time. I have to go to work at the restaurant right now" I explained.

"Oh..." he said, his emotion changing 3 times. Firstly, his mouth was forming a 'O', then he smile in relief but suddenly his smile turn into an evil smile... More like a smirk.

"Oh, oh. I don't like that smirk" I said taking a step back.

"What smirk ?" he ask innocently but his smirk widen.

"This smirk" I said pointing at his mouth as I try to imitate his, which makes him laughing. "Yah ! Don't mock me !"

"I'm not mocking you, you're cute" he said pinching my cheek.

"Don't do that to" I said putting away his hand and rub my cheek.

"Anw, don't pout" he said "it makes me want to kiss you" he add and I gulp, stopping to bit my lip instantly.

Not that I didn't want to kiss him... It's just... PDA.

Yeah, I know. I kissed him back earlier in front of an amount of people but I forgot we weren't alone.

"Come one, let's go" he said grabbing my hand and start to walk. Eventually I had to walk to or else I would fall.

"Where ?"

"To the restaurant duh"

"Why ?"

"Because you have to work" he said looking at me as if I lost my mind.

"Not me. Why are you going too ?" I ask frowning, trying to ignore the fact that we were holding hand.

"Because I want to spend the day with you"

"You mean the night ?"

"Really ? That's what you want ?" he ask winking.

"W-What ?! No ! Not in that way !"

"Sure" he said smirking. There he is with this smirk again...

"I didn't really meant it in that way ! I meant... I meant... Well since it's already late I thought that the word 'day' wasn't good but I kind of made it worst..."

"Kind of" he said shaking his head but his smirk was still there.

"Anyway, why don't you go home ?"

"Ouch, you don't want me here" he said pouting.

I couldn't help but my eyes look down at his bottom lips.

I understand now why he said he wanted to kiss me when I was pouting...

I quickly lift my eyes when I became aware that I was staring but then found his eyes.

A Year With You (BTS Fanfiction / BTS Fanfic) Taehyung/VWhere stories live. Discover now