Chapter 23 The Kim's secret part 3

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Taehyung's POV

"Let's take a walk first" Jin said as he walk away.

I stay however there, leaning against my car as I watch him disappeared but my curiosity got the upper hand and I end up following him.

We continue to walk in the street, turning once then another. We kept walking for about 15 minutes until I got tired of walking to nowhere and stop.

"If you want to explain, do it right now. You wanted to walk, we walked. Now talk... Please" I said but Jin kept walking.

"We're almost here" he said and I groan

"Okay but not more than 5 minutes" I said and he nod.

I run and walk by his side. From time to time, I would take a glance at him and wonder how my life could have been such a lie. Jin is a little higher than me and even now, knowing he isn't my brother, I keep looking at him and feel like I'm still a child next to him.

How he used to protect me when we were younger... How I used to look at him like he was my hero.

He caught me staring at him, turn his head to look at me then smile.

I bit my lips and look away, slowing down.

Once again, as I was behind him, I look at his back and I wasn't mad anymore.

There's something that I'm sure right now. Whatever he would say, he would always be a brother for me. He was at the same time my brother, my dad but also my mom when my parents weren't there to take care of me.

I don't care if he isn't part of my family. To me, he will always be one.

"We're here" Jin suddenly said and I look around, noticing that we were in an abandoned construction site.

Jin put one leg than the other over the fence were there was a sign saying forbidden.


"Just do like me" he cut me off.

I shrug and do as he said. We pushed few bush and shrub on our way then Jin sit down on a rock and I sit next to him.

I look in front of me and watch the view of Gangnam.

"I like coming here when I need to think" Jin said looking in front of him. "It's so peaceful..."

"Did you came here as well before you left to the US ?" I ask as I turn my head to look at him, he then nod.

No one talked for a moment and even if I wanted to know his explanation, I kept my mouth shut and wait for him to be ready.

"Okay. So what do you know ?" he suddenly ask

"Hum... That you're not mom's son"

"That's all ?" he ask and I nod.

Wait... does that mean there is much more ?

"I don't know how to start..." he said looking back down at the view.

"Just start from the beginning" I suggest

"Do you know that our-... I mean your parents were married because of an arranged marriage ?" he ask

"Hum... I think mom mentioned it when I first met Soomi..."

"Before they got married, dad was dating someone else" he said and I look at him in surprise.

"What ?!"

"That's right. Dad was dating someone else. Though, his parents didn't know about it... Actually no one did except him and his girlfriend. Not even Dad's best friend"

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