my heart beat

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Jace  POV

Me feeling my self waking up in the morning , I rushed downstairs and I saw my mom she was cooking happily.

Good morning mom, I said hugging her .

Good morning little j.she said.

Mom am not little , I said.

  OK whatever  , she said laughing .

  What the good news, you seem happy.I murmured .

Jace, it me and your dad wedding aniversary .she said smiling.

I feel myself getting angry .shit I mumbled under my breath , I stop hugging her and I went to my room, before I disapear into my room I heard her say he is my father .I entered into my room my mind was blank I could not think, I just wish my mom will divorce my dad anytime I bring up the idea she keeps telling me she loves him and dad will love like before, I know my father really well he will never love her he started  bearing my mom in my presence when I was just two year old.I control myself and I went downstair I sat down in  the dinning waiting for my dad I know stupid right but I have to stay beside my mom, in the process of waiting I fell asleep .when I woke up I saw my mom asleep also, then I noticed it was dark , and that bastard as not returned, I took my mom too her room and I locked the door I was scared my dad will hit her .

  Open the door I heard some one shouting,  I opened the door and it was my dad and he is drunk.I got mad, she waited for you all day .I yelled.

  Son, I don't need your mom I need young woman to grant my desire, be strong boy, your wife yell at you beat her too stupor .he said

  I will never be a demon like you, I fucking hate you.I yelled and left the house .

I went to my hide out it a park people rarely visit , I sat on the bench, i was angry, sad, worried,  this three feeling at a time.

Then I heard some one foot step.

Hey, what are you doing here.she finally said.I know that voice, Ella it was her.I raised my head up.

She was shocked, and I smirked at her. I heard murmured the word why is he smirking.

  Stalking me, i said.

  Nope, she replied immediately, I live in this street she said smiling.

Let walk a little .I said
No, my mom will be worried. She said.

Are you scared  of your mom, I said trying my best not too laugh.

No, am scared of the dark.she said sincerely.

Don't worry my little lamb , I will protect you .I pulled her hand so now let go,.I looked at her she was wearing a big hoody and white net popsock with  white look nice I said out of no where.she blushed a little.

Let go, I said.when I was feeling akward because of the silence,  I started telling her how I enjoy painting teacher car just for fun and she laughed.then I saw something coming close to her it was a car, I pulled and  she fell ontop of me, and her face was red like a tomato she look so heart beat was damn fast and I have to distract my heart .

Hey, you know you are a little bit heavy, I said teasing her and she stood up and I noticed it was very dark,  I told to show me her house she took me there and it was beautiful .

Bye, she said.I told her bye and I went home.

Hey guys I hope you enjoy jace pov,  I just want to know how he feels.let do a little mathematics

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💕 you all.

Ur girl
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