Am sorry.

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Jace POV

I drove very fast to the hospital,I wanted to enter but someone held was Michelle.

What do you want.i said controlling my anger.

Don't tell me you want to see her, after all she did to me and your mo...

Don't you dare call her name, you think I don't know the truth . you are a liar.

You believe what she said,I almost died saving your mom.all  I did was love you Jace,I love you since the first day I set my eyes on you.we would have been couple if not for.

If it happens then it my dead body.ohhh you love me but you wanted to kill my mom and you frame ella.i yelled.

If you love your reputation,you had better live.i yelled.

It not over,she said as she left.

I entered into the hospital and went straight to Ella's mom ward.

She was crying seriously,he doesn't trust me mom.i want to go back to my home.i miss dad ,you and even Jace.I miss you all ,you all leave me to suffer alone.

No sweetie,we love and care about you ella.her mom said patting her.

Then why do you always leave me the moment I need you the most.she said.

We didn't leave you Ella,we were always there for you.i said walking in.

Jace ,she said antonished.

Can I talk to you for a sec.i said nervously as I scratch my neck.

Yh,she she stood up .

Uhhm outside the hospital.i said.

Ok,she replied and we went outside.

Am really sorry for what I said,am really sorry I made you look like a ghost

I look like a ghost.she asked me.

Yh,I guess you cried.i  said.

Yes alot.she said looking down.

Why did you look down at the match.i asked curious.

Does it matter to you,she asked with irritation in her voice.

I know I hurt you but I am really sorry,I really am.

The reason is I couldn't let you see me cry,I didn't want you to see me as a weakling,I didn't want you to know am just a foolish girl who can't control her emotions.she yelled.

Am sorry I believed mich,I shouldn't I am suppose to trust you all the way, but I hurt you.i said ashamed of myself.

I forgive.she said.

Just like that.i said.

I can't hate you Jace,I love you .as she said the word she covered her mouth .

You what,I said not sure if I heard the correct word.

I love you ok,but it okay if you don't feel the same way she said looking down.

I raised her head up and I bent to her level and I kissed her passionately And she respond immediately.

Is that an answer to the question your heart asked I said  as both our  forehead touches each other.

Uhhm. she said.

I love you Ella Kingston and nothing will change that and am sorry for what I did.

Okay.she replied smiling.

End of chapter 25 guys,I couldn't believe I made 88 views, thanks I really wanted to stop writing but thanks for the courage love you guys

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