Preview of chapter Twenty- Enough said

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Hey everyone I know it's been a minute but I'm back and ready to get back in the swing of writing for wattpad.

I had to take a much needed break to finish up with college and I'm glad to say that this author has graduated 👩🏽‍🎓!!!

Im also in the process of starting a job in my degree field so it maybe a min before this chapter actually fully comes out.

The amount of notifications about this story has blown me away, thank you so much for the likes and adding me to your reading lists. I saw one list the other day named "eagerly awaiting completion" it cracked me up because they're not the only ones.

Now with that being said I think it's time for a much needed chapter from yours truly.
Here's a preview of chapter 20, it still doesn't have a name yet but give me a little more time to finish revising the chapter.

Cyrus POV

My underground business has really been giving me a headache, I fix one problem then another problem arises. I'm starting to question the competences of my workers.

I have been in New York for 3 days now and I couldn't seem to focus on anything at the moment. I had flown back to my fiancé just to be pulled away by business again, it's getting on my nerves honestly. When I came here I had my boys fly back to our family home. My body is here in New York, but my mind is always on my family that I had to leave to come to this shithole state.

"Sir" one of my workers knocked on my door. "Come in", he entered my office with a black folder in his possession. "The footage from the main mansion surveillance cameras came like you asked." He walked further into my office and set the folder on my desk.

"Good, Have it sent to my email. Back to work now." He nodded and left just as quick as he came.

I waited all of 2 minutes before logging in my email to see what really went down that night.

As the footage plays, my eyes take in everything that happens. After the video finished I was about to call Boris, but my second phone rang.

"What" is the first word to leave my mouth after answering the phone.

"Sir we have a situation." One of my footmen Gerald said on the other end. There's a lot of crying and noise going on in the background.

"What's up, and is that a baby crying I'm hearing?" I get up and walk to my mini fridge and get a water.

"Yeah, when we got to the location to collect a debt the husband came out high as a kite with a gun. He just started shooting in random directions so we opened fire. Once he was down we went in the house and saw his ole lady laid out in a pool of blood on the living room carpet . We think he killed her, we found the baby in a duffel bag with an old blanket and 300 dollars cash. I'm guessing she was about to leave and he caught her." I hear him put down the phone to pick up the baby. He's shhhing it.

"Bring the baby here, clean up the mess there. Make it look like he killed himself after killing her. Remove everything that gives away that a baby was there. Am I clear?" I had to just on this before it got to the cops and then the press. I have a lot on my plate now and an investigation about a baby and a shoot out would not be ideal right now.

I called up my assistant Destiny and told her to get my fiancé on the phone. 2 minutes pass before my phone rings

"Boss your fiancé is ready to speak." Gerald, one guards I left at home with my family.

There's a bit of shuffling before his angelic voice came through the phone. "Yes, C-Cyrus" oh the things I want to do to him.

"Baby I have a problem at work and I wanted your honest answer, you can say no if you want." His breathing picks up so I know he's thinking the worst.

"W-what do you n-need?" He asks softly.

"I have this baby that needs a place to stay til I find someone to keep him. Can he stay with us?"


Well that was the preview I hope you guys stick around for the up coming chapters. work and training have been kicking my ass but I'm still will to write if you all are still reading.

Thanks again for all the comments , votes and adding me to your reading lists, believe me I saw them all and they made me so happy.

Your Truly,


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