Fifteen -"You don't fuck with mine"

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Hey you guys, so my birthday was May 31 and I feel like this year needs to hurry up and be over with, I couldn't do anything that I wanted to do because of this virus. On the other hand, I've actually had time to write so I'm 2 chapters ahead again. Yay 😁
So sorry for not posting on time, a lot has happened to me, I started a new relationship with this man I really like. He's everything I want and more.

Let's take a moment to acknowledge the black lives that have been lost because of police brutality, they say that racism ended a while ago but it's clear more than ever that is the furthest thing from the truth.

Well this chapter is gonna be interesting in my opinion. I've had so much fun writing for you guys, it's weird that I started off writing this just for the fun of it, not expecting anyone to take this story seriously but I'm so happy to see that you guys are enjoying it so much.

Hope you like this chapter and remember to vote comment and share this story. I wanted to ask, do you guys think I should enter this story in the wattys this year?

Also the song in the media is "no name"- by Noname

That's Boris I've been meaning to put his pic up but I always forget lol, anyways on with the story....

(Not edited)

Cyrus POV

The day had finally arrived, the family dinner was just hours away. My mother and my love were spending time together in the kitchen. Chris has been in the backyard playing in the second surprise that I gave him since I finally had the time to show it to him just yesterday.

———————yesterday evening———————

I had just finished another meeting with one of my off shore drug dealers. When I left my office, Chris was sitting on the floor in the hallway playing with a couple of his LEGO's.

"Baby, che fai a suonare in corridoio?  Hai finito le lezioni di oggi con Marco?  Dov'è papà, hai ancora qualcosa da mangiare?"
(Baby boy what are you doing playing in the hallway? Did you finish today's lessons with Marco? Where is daddy, did you have anything to eat yet?)

"Stavo lavorando alle mie lezioni con Marco, ha dovuto andarsene dopo aver ricevuto un telefono, ha detto che ti avrebbe lo un messaggio e ti avrebbe fatto sapere cosa stava succedendo, quindi sono andato nella mia stanza dei giochi.  Quando sono arrivato lì una signora vestita con un abito bianco e nero stava raccogliendo i miei giocattoli.  Quando mi vide, mi spinse fuori dalla stanza, disse che il figlio dei capi non mi sarebbe piaciuto nella sua stanza dei giochi, così presi alcuni dei miei LEGO dalla mia camera da letto e provai a tornare in biblioteca ma mi dimenticai dove fosse  era.  Quindi ho trovato un posto in cui ti ho sentito lavorare, avrei bussato ma ho sentito altri là dentro, quindi mi sono seduto qui e ho iniziato a giocare con i miei LEGO."
(I was working on my lessons with Marco, he had to leave after he got a phone call , he said he would text you and let you know what's going on, so I went in my playroom. When I arrived there a lady dressed in a black and white dress was picking up my toys. When she saw me, she shooed me out of the room. She said the bosses son would not like me in his playroom. So I took a few of my LEGO's from my bedroom and tried to head back to the library, but I forgot where it was. So I found a spot where I heard you working, I was going to knock but I heard others in there, so I just sat here and started playing with my LEGO's.)

"Baby boy you could've come in, you're more important to me than work. Now come on little one let's go get something in your tummy." I pick him up off the floor and head to the elevator. I let him press the ground floor button once were in the elevator. When we made it down, my mother was just stepping into the main entrance.

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