Thirteen "This house is your playgound"

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N/A- hey guys I glad you are all enjoying the book so far, it's been a struggle trying to get the chapters finished and edited by my monthly deadline seeing as I'm a college student with a full schedule, I've written ahead a few chapters but idk if they are good enough to release to the public. I'm particular about my work and I appreciate you guys patience with me. In a few weeks I will be taking a break just to get caught up on these chapters and to get ready for my exit exams.

I hope you all like this chapter I'm introducing more characters aka Cyrus family, I think you'll be quite surprised during this chapter.

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Song in the media:Bobby Caldwell- what you won't do for love

Chris In the media just imagine him a bit shorter and thinner.

(Not edited)

Cyrus POV

Since we got here Chris has not let me put him down, he whimpers every time I try, so that's how he ended up coming with me to meet my mother. I sent Josh with Areon, he was headed to the kitchen to get something to eat, so I told him to feed Josh then have Jeffery bring him to my room.

While they did that I walked through the kitchen to the sun room which had a sliding door that led to my mother's garden. When making it to her sitting area, I see that her back is turned to me.

"Cyrus perché non mi hai chiamato o mi hai mandato un messaggio dicendo che stavi tornando a casa?  Va tutto bene al lavoro?  Ti sei preso cura di te stesso?"She said this all with her back turned to me. Man, how do moms do that? Even when I was a kid she knew when I was sneaking up on her.

(Cyrus why didn't you call or text me saying you were coming home? Is everything ok at work? Have you been taking care of yourself?)

"Ma, rallenta per un secondo, sto bene, mi sono preso cura di più di un semplice me stesso, voglio che tu incontri qualcuno." I said as I walked the small distance between us. I sat on the bench next to her. When she looked up from her gardening magazine, she gasped.

(Ma, slow down for a second, I'm fine, I've been taking care of more than just myself, I want you to meet someone.)

"Dove hai preso il ragazzo Cy, oh, è così prezioso, quegli occhi grigi saranno una donna assassina quando sarà più grande. Ora a chi appartiene non ha i tuoi occhi blu o i capelli neri. Neanche la tua faccia forma da quando avevi quell'età."

(Where did you get the boy Cy, oh he is so precious, those grey eyes will be a lady killer when he's older. Now who does he belong to, he doesn't have your blue eyes or black hair. Not even your face shape from when you were that age.)

Chris huddled closer to me when he heard my mom's voice. It seems like he's gonna have a hard time trusting women, but I expected that.

"Ma, I'd like to introduce my son Chris, he's 7 years old. His brother is my soon to be husband and we've adopted Chris legally. Please support me in my decision, like you did when pops adopted me."  Yes I am adopted, my dad took me from my mom. She was hooked up on drugs so bad, when I was 3 months she tried to sell me for coke, but she didn't realize who she was trying to sell me to.

My dad, Giovanni Leonardo Cyrus Mazzoletti, took me and gave my birth mom what she wanted. He said as soon as he got me in the car he had his lawyers draw up adoption papers for me, and changed my name. When he came home with me in his arms to his wife, Chantel Marie Williams-Mazzoletti, my mom fell in love with me the moment she saw my eyes and the smile I had on my face.

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