Seventeen- "Do I belong here?"

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Hey everyone, I hope all is well for you guys. Anyways, I had an interesting conversation with one of my readers, they'd asked about the story and they were already ahead of everyone mentioning how they can't wait to read Chris' story.

We'd come up with the idea to let you vote on which book comes next in the series. The choices are as follows:

The heir and his love- Chris story

When mafia meets the bayou - Cyrus parents story

I know why the Russian is silent- Boris story

A misunderstood underboss- Areon story

Comment under the names, heck you can guess what the plot will be if you want, best idea gets featured in the next chapter. I will post a teaser of the story that has the most comments , the voting ends November 15, anyone is welcome to message me with ideas or questions about thus current story . Who knows, you might get a sneak peek of the new writings in works.

Anyways I'm trying to be better with deadlines so I'm editng as fast as I can to get this to you by oct. 21 so I can say I posted before the holiday lol

Please like vote and share this story. Thanks


Josh POV

"Come on Uncle Areon, you said we could play catch when you finished your call. Let's go!!" I watched as Chris dragged the big man by the hand through the patio doors of the kitchen. The Teacup Yorkies ran up to Chris for their daily dose of petting. He has been training them well, the youngest pup just finish learning to go outside to use the bathroom. Chris was so excited to go tell sir Cyrus about what he taught the puppies.

After the dinner 2 weeks ago, sir Cyrus had the maids go pack for Chris and I to go with him on a business trip in Tokyo. Chris was a ball of energy the entire 2 days before the trip. We are just arriving at the same place we landed when we first came here.

—————2 days before the trip———————

"Papa can we try ramen like the people on naruto eat? Can we go to the farmers place with all the fishies and vegetables? Can I have a pet crab? My friend from school online has a little dragon, kimchi I think is what he called it. His dad brought it back from us business trip overseas. Please papa please?!" I settled Chris between Cyrus and I on the bed. Then bopped his nose with my finger to gain his attention.

"C-Chris you are not having a c-crab as a p-pet. What would you even do with it? We c-can try ramen, h-how do you know what n-naruto is? That comes on after your bedtime. Is there s-s-something you want to tell me before your p-punished Chris?" I asked with one raised eyebrow, before suddenly realizing that I had promised something to Chris before getting the ok from sir Cyrus. I looked at him and saw that he was already looking at me with this look I've never seen before. Before I could say anything Chris started to explain his case.

"Sorry daddy, I couldn't sleep and I didn't want to wake you and papa so I took my blanket and my stuffed wolf to the theater room and watch tv til I fall asleep. I always wake up in my room though, so I think papa knew." He finished explaining while playing with his fingers in his lap.

"This is news to me baby, I couldn't be the one putting our son back to bed, when I got home last night at 3 am I checked on Chris and he was in bed. Maybe my dad or brother put him back in bed." Sir Cyrus picked up his phone and called a number. I assume to call his brother,but who knows.

As the phone is ringing there's a knock at the door. Mrs. Mazzoletti poked her head into the room before fully stepping in. Cyrus hung up the phone and pulled Chris into a sitting position between his legs as he leaned his back on the headboard.

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