Eight - " your our son now"

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Cyrus POV

He remained quiet the whole ride other than giving my driver his address. I can't help but to keep stealing small glances of him, he's a vision of perfection. The way the street lights shine on his milky smooth skin has my mini me standing at attention.

I wonder how old his brother is? Would he have a problem with his big brother and I being together? Because I plan on making him my Donna. He will rule beside me. He shall fear no one but me. And he would be a king along side me.

I would have no problem adopting Joshua's little brother, and making him the heir to my throne. I can imagine a little josh running around, and playing with my men. "Sir, we have arrived." My driver interrupts my thoughts. I glance out my window and see a small run down one story house.

Damn, how long have I been day dreaming? This has never happened before. What is this boy doing to me?

"We won't be too long Jefferson, keep the car running and call for the men that are following behind us to go check the house. Tell me if they see the boy, and if the parents are there." I say while looking at my phone.

"P-Permission to s-speak s-sir" Joshua's angelic voice is almost a whisper to my ears, it was just that soft.

Turning my body towards him so he knows I am completely focus on what he has to say. "you don't ever have to ask me if you can speak or not. When we get home I'll explain more to you about how your life will be now that you are with me." Right as I'm done speaking my phone dings with the message from the guys scouting the house.

"Come on love, my men have secured the house, it's time to go get your brother and go home." I say before the door on my side is opened. I stepped out and reach a hand to help Joshua out of the Escalade.

He slowly takes my hand and steps out of the car. It feels amazing to be touching my Donna. I can't wait to really get to know Joshua, he's so scared of me now but that will change in due time.

Walking up the path to his porch, I see the door is still open. We walk through the entry way and continue down the hall. Entering what I believe is the living room. With all the empty beer bottles and different stains on the carpet, you would think it was a bar.

" oh good you brought the little bitch back home, now he can start cleaning this mess up." Some old hag uttered while sitting on the floor in front of two of my men.

"Y-Yes m-ma'am I'll get right on it-t." And just like that Joshua starts to gather up the bottles closest to him. I can't exactly say when I walked over to the woman. I can't even say how her neck got between my fingers, all I remember is a pair of soft hands trying to loosen mine on the lady I was choking to death.

Releasing her, I back away and turn to the person that spared her life. My eyes meet mismatch ones, filled with tears. "P-please don't" He whimpered

I turn back to that bitch with the meanest glare on this side of the planet.

"You got lucky this time bitch, don't let me hear you call my Donna out of his name, or order him around again. Be glad he saved your pathetic excuse of a life. Him and his brother are coming with me and I dare you to object." I said while walking towards the living room entry way.

"Come, my love. Let's go get your brother and go home, there is nothing left for you here." I gently grab his hand and follow the sound of my men voice.

"Kid we just want to talk to you, no one here is going to harm you. I promise, please come from under the bed."  I hear as we get closer to the room.

" No!! My brother will be back any minute and he will be mad if I talked to strangers." He sounded so scared, I looked at Joshua and his eyes were filled to the brim with tears that threaten to fall. I lifted his chin in my direction and made the 'shh' gesture.

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