Ten- "Its time to go home"

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N/A- New Goal- 150 reads, 10 votes, 5 comments please note that I will not update again until I see this on this chapter,
Happy reading - G
Ps: I'm also breaking the fourth wall in this chapter giving some background Info and introducing a new character.

This chapter is 1845 words long so enjoy!!

Yours Truly

- G

Boris in the media—————————>

Cyrus pov.

It has only been an hour since we left the first store. My love was hesitant to pick out clothes, I caught him multiple times checking the price tag on things then putting them back. So, after he did that three times I had one of my men following him around the store with a cart filling it with everything he would even glance at for more than 5 seconds. I wish it were easier for him to just get what he wants, I mean I own this damn mall and I own more than half the share of every company around the globe. I guess it's going to take some time for him to adjust to his new lifestyle. We continued on shopping with me still holding my baby's little brother.

Standing in H&M, Josh is trying on some distressed jeans when I feel Chris start to get restless in my arms.

Looking down I noticed that he was still sleeping but tears were making a path down his sunken cheeks. I didn't even know that it was possible to cry while sleeping. He looks so thin, I can't wait until we get home, I'm putting them both on a healthy meal plan so they can get better.

Thinking quickly I start to rock him while rubbing his back.

"Shhhh.... my bambino, papà è qui, nessuno ti farà più del male, tuo padre ed io ci assicureremo. Sei al sicuro tra le mie braccia bambino." I whisper while comforting him. I kiss his forehead and each eyelid, that seems to have calmed him down. (Translation- papa is here, no one is gonna hurt you anymore, your daddy and I will make sure of it. You are safe in my arms baby boy.)

"W-What's wrong?! Is h-he ok? Oh god, I knew I s-should h-have h-held h-him, I'm so s-sorry s-sir! H-He will not g-give you anymore t-trouble, I can take him now." The small voice of my love appears on my right side.

I start to answer him when one of my men approaches me with a worried look on his face.

"Sorry to interrupt sir, but there has been a break in at the estate. Security is doing a sweep of the house as we speak, but so far; nothing seems to be missing from the house, and there was no sign of forced entry." I feel a yell about to come out of my mouth but I refrain from doing that while my son is in my arms.

"Baby reach into my back pocket and take my phone out please." Josh looks around and when he sees that I'm referring to him he says a timid 'o-ok' and proceeds to retrieve my phone and my wallet. "I-is t-this the p-phone?" He raised my wallet, but second guessed himself and raised my phone instead. Nodding yes to him he goes and put my wallet back in my pocket. I barely felt his hands so I would guess he was scared.

Turning back to the one that informed me of the problem at hand. I tell him to take 4 men with him a do a check around the mall and see if anyone else is here other than the store workers. After they leave I only have 5 men left to protect my family.

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