Four- "Time Is Money"

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Joshua's POV

"Hey kid! What do you think you're doing?!" Yelled scar face.

"N-nothing sc- I mean sir... I just thought that it would be ok to hum a little tune to the younger kids here. They are terrified and I'm just trying to sooth them before they're sold off to some random person." I almost slipped up and called him scar face.

I shouldn't be giving them names anyway, this is temporary until I find a way back home to Christian. It's already been a day, at least I think it has. There's no way to tell being in this cell, with all these other kids.

"Leave the kid alone Carter, he's not bothering anyone. Hell, he even got some of those kids to stop crying. Let him be and focus on what's really important. We need to get the rest of this paperwork signed before the boss gets here." Said the green eyed dude.

"Mane y'all need to come on, I ain't getting yelled at for either one of y'all lit yellow boys. Let's get this done so we can get paid." That was the longest thing I heard come out of dread head's mouth. He must be the silent type.

The main door to this warehouse type building opens to show a well dressed man looking to be in his late 30's to early 40's. He was about the height of scar face just a bit more buff.

" I see you three are up to the same thing as always

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" I see you three are up to the same thing as always. Bickering like the kids that sit in those cells, maybe you three should switch places with them since all you do is argue." He strolled in with an arrogance to him, almost as if he was too good to even be breathing the same air as us common folk.

"Hey boss, we got a new one here. You have to see him, his eyes are to die for. I'm sure he'll sell easily for about three quarters of a million if not more what that voice of his."  Green eyes says while coming closer to my cell.  I stare silently at the man before me. Why would he be selling slaves, he looks like he comes from money.

"Well that's all fine and dandy, but we have more pressing matters to attend to. I just got a call from the caregiver of the Cyrus Mazzoletti. He said that Mr. Mazzoletti will be joining us at tonight's auction. This means we'll have to make sure everything is perfect in time for his arrival. This also means that we have the best of the best up for auction tonight." He said all this while walking past the cells starting at the furthest from me.

"Well since Cyrus Mazzoletti will be joining us tonight, I think we should put the new kid out there, along with some girls since we don't know his preference. The boy is stunning, with a voice of an angel. We can't afford to lose Mr. Mazzoletti as a client. He's too powerful, if he doesn't like what we have then we'll go out of business." Why is scar face putting me in the mix?

If I get sold there's no telling what would happen to me. What if he takes me to another state? How will I be able to get back home to Chris if I don't know where I am?

"I agree with Carter, we gotta use the boy. There's no way I'm goin back to slanging drugs and at least this has a less chance of getting me shot. I think the boy will sell if we have the girls come clean him up a bit. Take out that ridiculous gauge out of his ear and maybe even pierce his nipples. That could at least get us some cash that would last a little while." And just when I was starting to warm up to dread head. Smh...

Who the hell are they talking about, and why do they sound so nervous. It's just a man, I mean he's not the president or anything is he?

"Where is this boy you three speak of? I only see the regular kids that didn't get sold at the last auction."
Boss man was a little on the lanky side standing at probably 5'11. He had blue eyes with this calculated look in them.

He was a few cells down from mine when scar face approached my cell. " stand up song bird, my boss needs to get a look at you." So, slowly I stood up and walked towards the cell bars.

"Well, will you at this. Your really short kid, and that gauge has got to go. The little hoop can stay, but we need you to look as innocent as possible. We get more money that way, his eyes are a killer. The money we would get for him could be the best we've ever made in this business. Get him cleaned and fed, I have some calls to make. The more people here tonight the better chance of money. I'll be back later gentlemen, finish his paper work and get it to me ASAP. Are we clear?" He had made it to the door of this building but turned to look me directly in the eye.

"Yeah boss, we got it from here." Dread head spoke for them.

"Good, I'll see you all in a couple of hours." And with that he's gone.

" come on kid it's time for your shower then we can continue with your paperwork. Sanchez get the boy some food and call the doctor, we need to get a physical on him to go with his paperwork." Scar face or as I now know him as Carter said while opening my cell. The other kids huddle to the very back of the cell while I walk forward with caution.

"Come on kid, I-10 by 10; we got a lot of stuff to do before it's time for the auction. Can you move your ass, or I'll move it for you!" Carter yelled with an impatient look on his face.

"Stop yelling at the poor kid Carter, imagine if you were in his shoes. I know you would be acting the same way, probably worse. Come on Josh we're not going to hurt you, are you allergic to anything before I go get the food?" Green eyes or Sanchez said with a warm smile while reaching out a hand to me.

"I- I'm allergic to shell fish and peanuts, They make me blow up like a balloon. " I said hesitantly as I slowly put my hand in his.

"That's real sappy of you Sanchez, it's almost as if you care about the kid. Remember he doesn't belong to us, this is the kid that will pay our bills. Stop making friends with the merchandise, I'm not going to tell you again." And just like that, Carter was out the door.

"Alright lit dude, let's get you cleaned, time is money." Dread he said, I should really find out his name before today is over.

1190 words!

And I can't believe you guys have actually read my story. This is so humbling. I really wanted to get this chapter to u last weekend but some things came up. But here it is.....
Your Truly,


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