Eighteen - " can we go on a date"

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Hey guys, I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. 🖤💛

All the comments and votes about this story always put a smile on my face because someone has taken a chance on my little ole book. The voting for the next book in the series has been extended as u can see in the last authors note.

Please note that this is not a thanksgiving dedicated chapter, I hate thanksgiving, it's a fake holiday to me, no one else around the world celebrated there land being swindled from them.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy these upcoming holidays and stay warm over winter break. Please like comment and vote.

Song - Adele- chasing pavements

Not edited


Cyrus POV

We had been in Shanghai for only 2 days and so far, it's been so much fun watching my son enjoy his interests.

The first day we spent in the manor sleeping most of the day because of the time difference.  Chris was grumpy even though he slept the whole plane ride. It was late when we touched down on the family airstrip, Josh had been in and out of sleep on the plane so that gave me the perfect opportunity to take in his pure radiance. I also snapped a couple pictures, they are already set as my phone's Home Screen. The others are for my gazing pleasure. This way, if I'm ever away on business and missing my love, then I could see him.

The second day I took them to the market so we could stock up on food, and so that Chris could pick out all the Japanese snacks he wanted to try. I let Josh choose what foods to buy since he is a really great cook. It was quite adorable to watch him compare the quality of different foods from different stands at the farmers market. He was timid yet determined to get the best ingredients. I wanted to tell him that I could have had the ingredients delivered fresh, but I let him enjoy this. My baby was quiet most of the time so it was a surprise to see him haggling with the different stand owners over the prices.

After leaving there we went to an actual market, where we got the stuff we couldn't find at the previous place. Chris had found a giant Bubble tea plushie that he refused to let go even when we tried to pay for it, he just wouldn't let go. "Daddy it's so fluffy!!" He almost screamed in pure joy while shifting from one foot to the other.

When we got back to the manor, Chris practically flashed up the stairs to his play room and took out all his stuffies. I silently watched from the doorway as Chris sat each stuffie in a chair at his drawing center and proceeded to have his version of a mafia meeting.

After listening in on the meeting for a bit, I learned that apparently Wolfie was in cahoots with bubble tea in sabotaging the special candy shipments that were due to be delivered 3 days ago. I had never been so proud as I was in that moment. His evaluation of the situation was spot on, his threats were praise worthy, even his attitude screamed future boss. Even if this is make-believe organized crime it still shows me that my son has a promising future in this business.

It's now day 3 and our first official tourist stop is to the cup noodle museum. Chris had created his own personal favor of ramen. He asked the guide a lot of questions like where did the plastic come from to seal each cup of ramen. He'd go ahead of Josh and I then come rushing back to tell us what he saw with a mega-watt smile on his face. He spoke a mile a minute about how he wanted to come back after he's learn all the languages of this continent. I texted Marco and let him know that Chris' school curriculum will need to be adjusted again. With all this studying he'll be doing, he will barely have time for sports or anything like that. That's fine though, I can take him with me to workout.

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