Chapter Fifty

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Something cold and wet hit my body and I jumped up in shock. "Jesus!" Was the first word I could get out.

I heard a familiar laugh and I wiped my eyes before opening them and setting my eyes on the culprit. Ezzeh Andrew.

"What the fuck Andrew?" I frowned, still trying to understand what was going on.

"Happy birthday!" He waved his hands in the air, the now empty bucket in his hand moving with it.

"Why did you have to dump a bucket of cold water on me? You could have just woken me up like any normal person would!" I got up from the bed and headed for the bathroom.

"Come on!" He called after me. "I was ju-"

The rest of his words were muted because I slammed the bathroom door in his face. I looked at myself in the mirror and the next thing I did was to laugh.

The door flung open and Andrew poked his head in, "what's so funny?"

"I look stupid," I shook my head at myself and began to take off my shirt. Andrew decided to drench me in water so I might as well finish it up for myself.

My hair was in a tangled mess since I forgot to put on my hair net before sleeping so the lose strands from the ponytail I had it in before were gummed to my face. In other words I looked like I just got ran over.

"Happy birthday babe," Drew said now inside the bathroom.

"Thank you lover boy," I took off my shorts before handing the pile of wet clothes to Andrew. "That's your punishment," I smiled. "Make sure my bed and room is dry before the end of the day too."

He rolled his eyes, "alright I deserve that."

"What made you think that dumping a full bucket of cold water on me and then screaming 'happy birthday' would turn out well for you?" I stepped into the shower compartment and I looked him.

"First it wasn't full, just half full and second it did the job of waking you up very well." He squeezed the water in my clothes over the sink so I waited for him to be done before flipping him the bird and turning on the shower.

I heard him laugh before he closed the door behind him. I took my time to shampoo my hair and scrub my body so by the time I was done in the bathroom and I stepped into my room with a towel wrapped around my body, my floor was dry and my bed frame was void of my mattress.

I smiled before walking into the closet. On the bench in the room, I saw a note written in Andrew's hand writing.

You have the day off so no need to dress official.

Maybe my parents told him that earlier. Speaking of my parents, I had only gotten a call from my dad last night asking if I got home safely, I told him I had and didn't hang up immediately, hoping maybe he'd tell me what was going on but all he said was. 'Good night.' I said good night to him and hung up.

From knowing my parents so well, I had narrowed my suspicions of what could be going on to two things.

The first one being they want to get a divorce but I highly doubt that, my parents love in my face is enough to get me jealous.

The second one is that dad agreed to something that mum doesn't but my mum doesn't oppose things without getting her facts right so for her to oppose dad in this manner it must be something really bad. I guess I'll have to be patient before I get any information from them.

Andrew was shoving my bedsheets into the washing machine when I walked into the kitchen.

"I do hope you cooked or at least brought me some food this morning, that's the least you can do for dumping cold water on me this morning." I folded my arms and rested my weight on the kitchen counter.

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