Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Hey you," I said as Andrew's face came into view.

"Hey beautiful," he smiled.

We were on a WhatsApp video call. We were chatting earlier and so we decided to switch to a video call since he was missing my face so much already. I'm not complaining, I've missed his face already though it was just five hours ago we last saw.

"So guess who's going to be an aunt?" I grinned.

"Wow, that's nice. Where's T, let me greet her?" He popped something into his mouth.

"Who's looking for me?" My sister's came into view, her head popping beside mine as she stood behind me on the couch.

"Hey T, I heard you're preggos," another popped into his mouth. It looked greenish.

"Yeah, you're gonna be an uncle soon," T said as she dragged on my braid.

I winced in slight pain and untangled her hand from my hair.

"I'm happy for you T, how's the boss?" Andrew likes to call Josie 'the boss'. No one knows why but we roll with it.

"He's cool, I'll tell him to call you or you call him. Where's that sister of yours, I've been trying to call her since but she's not answering or it's not going through?"

"She went out with my mum and Michael, they'll be back soon, I'll let her know." This time he popped something brown into his mouth.

"Alright, talk to you later," my sister waved at him and he did the same and then she was out of sight.

I heard her door open and close before I spoke again. "What have you been popping into your mouth since?"

He rose the packet of M and M's and I nodded before he dropped it back.

"Uhm Riya I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date, you know tommorow night or next. I wanted to ask you to hang out before you know... But after I just thought why not make it a date?" He shrugged.

My heart skipped a beat and I nodded, "of course, yeah."

"Great, is tommorow night okay?" He licked his fingers.

"Yeah. What do I wear?" I was already starting to get nervous and it wasn't even tommorow yet.

He went silent for a while before speaking again, "dress fancy."

"Alright," I nodded.

I heard some voices that I quickly recognized as his parents and his brother then doors opening and closing.

"They just got back, I've got to go. We'll talk later?" He stood up from where he was sitting.

"Later then. Say hi for me," I wove and he wove back before hanging up.

A date...

Tommorow night...

This wasn't the first date I was going on with Andrew, we've gone out countless times, even on campus when we weren't officially dating. 

What am I going to wear tommorow night? He said dress fancy, where could he be taking me to? A restaurant? It probably is one.

I started going through my closet in my head, trying to remember all the fancy dresses I had in there and when I got tired of racking my brain so much I stood up and ran upstairs.

Temi had already helped me arrange everything. Most of my clothes from school weren't hanging here anymore, I had them put away in a bag to be given out to those who need them.

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