27: The Bennet's Really Like Tag

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Everyone looked shocked as Dad placed the second box down next to Sara, except for the two of them who just shared a happy grin.

"This is a joke right?" I said shocked just hoping that it wasn't true.

"Nope we're having twins" Dad said excitedly.

"Aren't you too old to have twins" Cormac said, clearly also quite upset about the situation.

"Its actually quite common for older women to have twins" Sara said smiling, "Now let's open the box".

No one protested anymore although none of us kids were happy about the situation. When the box opened up there was a balloon saying 'It's a boy'. This seemed to lighten everyones moods a little. At least I wasn't going to have two sisters. That would be a nightmare.

"Don't you think twins will be a lot to handle" Elijah said skeptically.

"Yeah and just to be clear I won't so much as be changing a diaper. I raised one of your children Dad I'm definitely not raising another two" I chimed in making sure Dad knew where I stood.

"Sara and I will both be taking time off work initially and after that we will both go back part time" Dad said stating his plan.

"Good maybe you can finally spend some time with Isaac" I say leaving a subtle dig before walking back into the house.

Once everyone was back inside the house was very tense. Our guests all congratulated Sara and Dad before deciding it was probably time for them to head off. Lucky bastards.

Once everyone was gone were all gathered into the living room so we could 'express our feelings'.

Leo started, "Personally I'm pissed off that it's twins. Me and Alex should be the only twins." Leo said like a child and Alex hummed in agreement.

"We didn't chose twins it just happened but that doesn't make you two any less special" Sara said speaking in a soft voice you would use on a child whilst looking at her sons.

"And we are one hundred percent sure an abortion is off the table" Cormac said inserting himself into the conversation.

"Cormac" Everyone says at once.

"Ok just making sure" Cormac says throwing his hands up in defence.

"Charlie do you have anything to say" Dad says looking at me.

"Nope I've already said what I needed to say, not my kids not my problem" I say looking bored.

"How about you Isaac" Dad said looking towards his youngest.

"I'm excited because now I won't be the youngest" Isaac says smiling widely and giving two big thumbs up. This sort of lightens my mood a little knowing that Isaac is happy.

"Yeah I'm fine with it too" Benji says.

"So I think we're all going to be fine. It will take a while to get used too but we have time to prepare and wrap our heads around the idea" Sara says seemingly pleased by how the little meeting has gone.

We all took that as our escape and everyone made their way to their bedrooms to think. I personally thought about it quite a lot. Is the boy going to look like Carter and Isaac? Is he going to be just another reminder of what I've lost? Is the girl going to be better mannered than me? Well that one will definitely be true. So much shit is unknown.

I fall asleep that night with everything whirling through my head and by the time I'm fully asleep its almost morning. I stay in bed most if the morning reading a book. At around midday someone knocks on my door.

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