23: Weird Scars

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I know that some people think that therapy is helpful but to be honest I've never been a huge fan. I first started going after Mum and Carter died and it originally wasn't too bad. The part I hated most was when my therapist made me go to a, 'children who have lost parents' support group. To answer your question, yes it is as horrific as it sounds. I mean it's not exactly a very fun club to be apart of.

The interactions I had with the other kids would usually just go something like, "My Mum and brother are dead" and they'd reply something equally as depressing. Luckily my Dad let me stop going eventually but I had to start going again about a year later for other shittier reasons.

So that's where I currently am, sitting in my therapists office as she drones on about moving forward. One time I had a therapist who simply told me not to be sad. I can safely tell you I never went back to him. Finally the session was up and I waited outside for the twins who were supposed to be picking me up.

After about five minutes they showed up. I got off the bench and walked towards the car which they were blasting music out of.

"How was therapy?" Alex asked laughing a little, clearly seeing how annoyed I looked.

"Amazing, I feel like a new person" I replied sarcastically.

"Sometimes I miss dead parent therapy" Leo said reminiscing.

"Weren't you like two when your dad died, what could you of possibly taken away from therapy?" I asked confused.

"Nah Mom made us go when we were a bit older. She said some bullshit about long lasting permanent damage with children whose parents die young" Alex said clearly not agreeing with his mother.

"Well I thought Andrew was nice" Leo said pouting.

"That's just because he gave us lollipops" Alex said shaking his head laughing.

"That may have been a slight influence" Leo replied.

I just lay my head against the window as we drove home. My head bumped up and down with the car as I slowly droned out the sound of the boys voices and relaxed. I honestly think long car drives would be ten times more affective than therapy for me.

Once we got home I reluctantly got out of the car to find no one home. Dad and Sara were still working but that didn't explain where everyone else was. It was Monday which meant none of us had practices because the coaches decided that Monday would be the day that there were no trainings for soccer or football. Personally I would've preferred it to be Friday but I guess Mondays are good considering how shitty they already are, I don't need tiring practice on top of that.

"Where is everyone?" I asked after checking Isaacs room.

"They took Rosie down to the park for a walk I think" Leo replied.

"All four of them?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Yeah well I think Isaac was being hyperactive so they wanted to take him to the park so he could run around. I guess they all decided to go" Replied Leo as he started walking up to his bedroom followed by Alex.

Eventually the boys got home and I really wished they had've kept Isaac running around for longer. He was still so damn hyperactive. I had really hoped that him having a broken arm would've slowed that kid down but it most definitely didn't.

I grabbed a book from my room and took Isaac outside so he could continue playing whilst I read it. Eventually dad came home so he took over Isaac duty whilst I agreed to make dinner. I made a simple pasta dish, although I was used to cooking for three instead of nine so that made it slightly less simple.

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