The Rescue -Pt. 2-

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~Y/n's P.o.v~

The ship starts to take off, but the blue electric arms, start pulling us harder. I grab Groot, as I try to stay standing, and fail. I end up sliding, Groot in hand, to the back. I wrap myself around his smaller form as best I can, we hit the wall, and I give a short cry of pain.

The ship gets slammed down and I can feel myself fly up off the floor, I brace for impact, when I feel a hand wrap around my waist instead. I open my eyes, and Drax has caught me. He sets me down, and I hold onto the closest railing, Groot gripping my fur in one of his small hands.

We can hear grunting, and mumbles, of the conversation Peter and Yondu are having.

"...That was being Funny!" Yondue shouts, getting louder the more he talked,

"Not to me." Peter yelled.

"You people have issues." Rocket butts in,

"Well of course I have issues!-" I'm able to make it over to where Rocket is, and I hold onto a near by pipe on the wall, just as Peter's dad is standing up. Only his head and upper of his neck are skinned, then res is a skeleton made of the same energy keeping us from flying.

"- That's my freakin' FATHER!" I look at Egon as his mouth gapes open with a roar that shakes me to my soul.

"Thrusters are back up!" I can hear the mechanics of the ship clink as the steering wheels are set into place, and then I feel the ship lurch forward, towards the celestial. My hold becomes a death grip, as we near, and end up going through Egon. I go to sigh for relief, but stop when we get out the window, and go just about a 90 degree downwards plunge.

"We should be going up!" Yondue yells, I can't hear Peter's replay over my own screams of terror, but after I do hear Peter yell at my love.


"Got it!"I hold on tighter, if possible. I watch as Rocket pushes a few things, then I hear rumbling above and around me. A second later, lasers shoot out, and cut us a way down underground. We knock a wall or two, causing me to let out small squeaks of surprise, and I can hear Rocket chuckle in front of me. I'm mad, and embarrassed, but can't help to get butterflies in my stomach when he shoots me a look/smirk combo from the corner of his eye.

"Whooooo-Hooo!" I gulp, when I hear Peter, as we speed up a little, bouncing left and right, the laser absolutely destroying the rocks in front of us, so we can get through.

"So, we're saving the galaxy again?"

"I guess." I reply the same time as Peter.We hit a bump, and I grip tighter, one hand grabbing the bar, the other holding Groot to my chest.


We finally get through all the rock, and I hear Rocket,

"We're really gonna be able to jack our prices, if we're to-time galaxy savers."

"I seriously can't believe that's where your mind goes." I say, as Peter says,

"Really man..?!"

"It was just a random thought, guys. I thought we were friends.? Of course I care about the planets, and the buildings, and all the animals on the planets."

"And the people." Peter adds in.

"Meh..." I smile, and turn when I hear Mantis,

"The crabby puppy is so cute! He makes me wanna die!" I smile, and turn back to him,

"Aww, such a cute crabby puppy." I hear him groan, of annoyance, but stays focused on the flying.

We're zipping throught the layers of rock, and other sediments, and I can hear bits and pieces of the conversation above me, In the cockpit.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2021 ⏰

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