Go Directly To Jail

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Quill, and I, have been together, for how long, well before I can remember. Literally. Quill had found this thing on Yondu's ship, before he left, and decided to feed it to me. Great, I know, but oh well, besides now I'm anthropomorphic, walk on two legs, and can talk!

Right now we're walking through a shopping center, trying to sell this rock we found, actually Quill found. He holds his hand back, signaling to me to stay back, and make sure there's no one after him.

I sit down on the fountain, looking around, trying to be casual. Until I hear an irregular noise of water. I turn, and see. A TREE!? I slowly, slink off to find Quill, I find him, and some green chick, fighting.

"What the hell, Quill?!" I yell as they hit the ground. A sphere coming my way.

"Y/n GRAB IT!!" I snatch it up in my mouth, and take off, weaving between people's feet on all fours. Just as I'm about to get free, a shock hits me from the side, sending me flying. I open my eyes, and see Quill picking up the orb, while the tree, and a raccoon, put Ms. Green in a burlap sac. I shake off my dizziness, and take off after Quill, I catch up, and scramble to his shoulder.

We stop as a blue light consumes us, Quill lets out a groan, as we're taken into custody, along with Greenie, fluffy, and Branch. 'Great.'

Sorry it's short, have to head to bed.
Good night, my readers. 😋😁

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