The rescue (pt. 1)

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~Y/n's P.o.v~

We bounce around jump after jump. The boys are all yelling, and I can feel myself start to throw up.

"AH! SHIT!" I cover my face with a bag I found beside me, tucked in the chair. We get through the last two jumps, and Rocket and Yondue fall to the floor. I hear a noise, and look to Groot, to see him upchuck {Throw-up}. I turn and gag, and end up coughing.

"Gross Groot." I say turning, to the one I had called out, with his carefree face.

The two on the floor are groaning, and Rocket clears his throat as Yondue yells at the mammal laying on the floor.

"What the hell you doing boy?!"

"I could tell by the way you talked about 'im, this Ego is bad news. We're here to save Quill."

"For what?! Huh? For Honor? For love??!"

"NO! I don't care about those things, I wanna save Quill so I can prove I'm better than him! I can lord this over him FOREVER!" I look at Rocket, and he's chuckling, like he's actually telling the truth, and excited by the thought of holding this over Peter's head for as long as he can.  Yondu stands up, laughing.

"What are you laughin' at me for?" Rocket looks at Yondu, honestly confused.

"You can fool yourself, and everyone else, but you can't fool me!" Youndu starts, as he walks to the from of the deck,

"I know who you are!"

"You don't know anything about me, Loser." Rocket stands up, making his way to Yondu.

"I know everything about you!" Rocket scoffs, and Yondu continues.

"I know you play like you're the meanest, and the hardest, but actually you're the most scared of all!" I stand up, about to tell them to stop, but Rocket cuts me off.

"Shut up!" I look at Rocket, his voice sounding like he's about to cry.

"I know you steal batteries you don't need.. And you push away anyone who's willing to put up with you, cause just a lil bit of love, reminds you how big and empty that hole inside you actually is!" I can't help, but feel hurt by Yondu's words, even if they aren't directed towards me.

"I said Shut up..!" I look at Rocket, sounding on the verge of tears, trying to push them away.

"I know them scientists what made you, never gave a rat's ASS about you."

"I'm serious, Dude!" Rocket's voice is low, and gravelly, like just before the tears start.

"Just like my own damn parents who sold me, their own lil baby into slavery!" Yondu is now standing above Rocket, looking down at him.

"I know who you are boy, because you're me." They stand there, face to face, Yondu looks like he's finished, and from behind I can see Rocket's ears moving around, as he processes everything just said to him.  Rocket sighs, whether he meant to or not, I don't know.

"What kind of a pair are we..?" Rocket looks Yondu straight in the face, and after a few seconds, Yondu stands and turns to Kraglin, and starts walking to him.

"The kind that's about to go fight a planet, I reckon." he stops and starts messing with the console.

"Alright, okay, good..wa-" I cut Rocket off,

"Wait what?! A PLANET?" Rocket gives me a look, as Yondu starts the ship.


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